Thursday, November 11, 2010

Numb3rs/Last Chance for Giveaway

Look at the numbers on those plates!  Isn't this space just divine? All those bold graphics paired with the simple numbered plates.   Really gets your attention. (created by Mary McDonald)
I realize most people are so over numbers by now but I was a little slower boarding the train.  B says, "Always wait to buy. It's cheaper. While you may not be the first on the block, you'll save money and get more bang for your buck."  
Who doesn't have these Target plates and canisters? Me.  Passed them up over and over.  Bingo. $3 and $4 for the canisters.

The 3 is missing.  Yeah, but $7 allowed me to buy the $1 plates in addition, which I promptly hung in my little tiny itsy bitsy hallway.
There's no easy way to take pictures in such a small space. But you get the idea.
It's the Borrowed House. So let me just say, the brass doorknobs would be the first to go if possible. Then there's the unsightly wall plates. Gotta have them but at least blend them with the wall.
Cheap and cute.  Where numbers really count.

Hey, don't forget the giveaway!  Winner will be announced this Saturday! Good luck!
Posting to:
Show and Tell Friday @My Romantic Home
Frugal Friday @The Shabby Nest
Frugalicious Friday @Finding Fabulous


  1. I guess I am way out of step because I don't have anything with numbers on it...I know, I'm slow! But yours look so nice, I might have to go looking! ;D

  2. Ok - I didn't even know about these numbers at Target! I wish I had seen them and had a budget for them. I love what you did with them for sure!!! What a steal! I have milk cans in my front yard with numbers and towel hangers in my bathroom with numbers, but haven't got much farther....I'll join you in the late bloomers!

  3. I never saw these at Target...must have sold out fast. You proved that good things come to those who wait and I personally like the canisters minus a number...makes them look more authentic this way!


  4. What a great idea! I love the plates, TFS, Nan

  5. No, I'm not even being close to being over those graphic numbers. These are wonderful and even better because they were such a bargain. Thanks for sharing and for visiting with me.

  6. Very cute! I haven't been to Target in I want to go! You're putting your special touch on your house! ♥

  7. You really are making this space your own. Looks lovely.

  8. Your blog is absolutely beautiful!
    What a wonderful post and I love the name.
    You go girl!

    White Spray Paint

  9. I don't get the number I guess I'm a way being the times!!! (I hadn't even noticed it in the stores.)

  10. Oh Tammy! We don't have a Target in Canada, so we don't get those amazing items that you Americans are so used to finding. But, I love the plates and the canisters that you found. The plates look so nice with the mirror in the middle, and that is a gorgeous mirror. Your borrowed house is looking like a lovely home.
    Hugs and love, Cindy

  11. Thanks for the info about target. I love that store and have not seen these. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

  12. I love the numbers! I have seen them at Target and wanted them so bad! Mary McDonald rocks! The borrowed house is looking good!

  13. They are very cute! Love the numbers!...Christine

  14. Awesome decors with plates with counting the day I could have those too. Keep on collecting, love your post.

  15. I really do like the look of using numbers for decorating. I especially like the meaning behind your new blog name! Thanks for visiting and for your sweet comment.

  16. I've always wanted to find something special in numbers for my 3 daughters, representing their birth order. Love the plates around the mirror. I have that same mirror - two actually - right above the lamps in my bedroom. Love the plates flanking it. Maybe I steal this idea???

  17. Yay for patience and great buys! I seriously don't care about being "out." I just painted my stuff robin's egg blue and bought rubbed oil bronze doorknobs for my entire house and I don't care that everyone is on to something new. Do what makes you happy. And your hallway is fun.


    P.S. Thanks for your sweet note, Granddad is doing well tonight.

  18. hey, how can anyone stop being into numbers? they're classic...and eternal...i'm with you for getting them for less because it isn't the very latest trend.

    *thumbs up*

  19. Cute canisters! You know, I don't have anything with numbers yet either ;) Maybe I should pay a little visit to Target! I love how you're making the borrowed house a home =)

  20. The number plates are very cute in your hallway! Loving the little bench too.
    Oh, and your new blog design is very pretty!
    Thanks for stopping by today.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment! I love hearing from you!