Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthdays and Christmas

 By: Best Birthday Idea- recipe here
People with December birthdays really get the short end of the stick. I can imagine how everyone must say, "Here's your gift. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas." So I've tried to make today special. It's Doc's birthday. We've celebrated simply and relatively quietly, except for the boys' hilarious rendition of "Happy Birthday."  Our grand finale will be tonight when we drive around to look at Christmas lights. This will probably be one of those days we won't soon forget.  Isn't it funny how sometimes the less you do, the more memorable it is?  Maybe we have found our goal for Christmas this year.  I'm seeing the phrase repeatedly on blogs everywhere, "Keep it simple."   

Here are some simple touches in my decor from last year. And on the cheap I might add.  Either thrift, homemade or free.

If we get too stressed, we might be asking this...

I did not come up with this clever quote below.  I saw it on a blog last year.  If it's yours, please step forward and take credit.

So in all the hustle and bustle, don't forget to...

have a Bright season of love.

We'll soon be celebrating another birthday.  The most special one of all.
Sorry about the quality of this clip but it's my favorite.  Love seeing this little 4 year old's expressions.

Happy Birthday Jesus.  
Posting to Then Sings My Soul Saturday and Spirtual Sundays


  1. That was so sweet. I love both of the signs you have there- the funny Santa one and the sobering stable one. Have a sweet simple Christmas.

  2. I like the clip, so adorable this little girl. Why are they so bright and fearless?
    Beautiful photo of the treats too...Yum Yum.

  3. The Doc's cake looks scrumptous. Sounds like a wonderful day & evening. Did you make the cake? Love the cookies. Always wanted to make these, but was afraid the icing would not do right. I also really like the quote on your beautiful framed board. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Yes, simple. Happy Birthday to Doc and I love your simple, festive Christmas decor.

  5. The cake looks good!! And the decor..I love the holly.My family's birthdays are in November and December.

  6. I love your chalkboard, the frame is amazing! Cute video, can you imagine having that much poise and self confidence at 4? Happy Birthday to your Doc and have a beautiful weekend!

  7. love that sign with the Inn and Stable...and the little four yr. cute.

  8. The photos are lovely. Those little touches do a lot for decorating. I am sure as guests enter the house, they wonder what they will see next and where. Doc's cake looks yummy. I am sure its been a very special birthday!!! Happy Spiritual Sunday :)

  9. Isn't it wonderful how a simple basket of pine cones can be so elegant? Love it.

    I have wonderful memories of riding around looking at Christmas lights. :)


  10. What a talented cute Avery! Thanks for sharing. I love your home made Christmas accessories. Happy birthday to doc!...Christine

  11. Love the black board message and your chandelier is gorgeous!

  12. Love your Holiday decor! That chalk board is super cute. Love your blog!

  13. Very pretty holiday decorations! It is birthday/Christmas month here as well... my husband's birthday was last week and my little boy's birthday is New Years. The only rule is i am not allowed to wrap birthday presents in Christmas paper! :)

  14. Your home looks so nice for Christmas! I really like your chalkboard and love little Avery ... so adorable!

  15. hi,tammy!
    thankyou for the very nice comment you made. I really appreciate it. I'm ok now. Maybe ther are times that we feel so low. But I'm an optimistic person. It will pass as you've said.

    Thanks again! love your decor in your house.

  16. Thanks for sharing those pretty pictures and that adorable little girl again. I love that.

  17. Very beautiful decorations and understanding that December birthdays are forgotten. I am one of those close to Christmas..
    Avery is one special little girl who I couldn't believe!! she is incredible..My Oh My..God bless her soul. Bless you also for sharing. Hugs

  18. We're definitely keeping it more simple as well. Spending less money and making fun and meaningful gifts. Not hitting the malls and stores has made this season much more special for us - and less hectic! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today - have a blessed weekend! diane

  19. Today is my husband's birthday and I have a daughter, a sister, and my dad with December birthdays. Glad that mine is in November!

    The blackboard message is perfect.


  20. I think what you said about the simplest things being the most memorable is right on. Maybe we'll all learn that eventually!

  21. How lovely. When my girls were little we had a Birthday Cake for Jesus every year. This little girl is the sweetest.


  22. Love that chalkboard! Your home looks decked out and festive Beatrice.

  23. Hi Tammy!
    First off...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOC!!! My best friends birthday is in Dec. I always make sure to give her a totally non-Christmas related gift!
    Your Christmas decorations looks so pretty and fun! Your chalkboard is wonderful and gotta love the exhausted Santa!

  24. Sweet voice- love the song- and you are right about December birthdays- my daughters is in December and my husband and I have an anniversary this same month. Love your decorations- Your house looks wonderful!

  25. Love it. Happy Birthday to Doc. The video is darling. What a cutie. Love that first picture on your post. In fact, I love them all. Thank you for sharing.

  26. Happy Birthday Doc! My hubby's birthday is the day before Christmas...and mine is right after! So we know about holiday birthdays! Love your beautiful decorating! I'm putting your blog in my list of favorites...don't know WHY it's not there already! I LOVE your blog! ♥

  27. I love your chalkboard and frame!! My nephew's birthday is on December 23rd, so we often celebrate his half birthday on June 23rd just to make it a little more special for him!!


  28. Might have to borrow that quote, too. It is wonderful. Loving how you added touches of Christmas to each space, but not over done! Beautiful. Hope your week brings much happiness!

  29. Happy Birthday to Doc! And many, many more.
    I LOVE that Winter birthday cake, very special! I have seen the same thing almost everywhere, keeping it simple. I mean to, but I keep playing...:-) I know this doesn't even sound real, but would you believe that my Pastor's birthday is on Dec. 25 and his parents named him Jesus. He goes by the nickname of Jesse. It's true! He most likely has never had his own birthday! His last name is spanish for The Lord is my Provider, I think, or something like that. Interesting, eh?
    I am not able to hear the Youtube song for some reason, I shall go back and try again.
    I love all of your Christmassy touches from last year, very, very pretty! I adore that chandelier! Gorgeous!
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  30. Such wonderful decor!! LOVE Christmas!!!!

  31. oh, what a beautiful cake!!! and your home is just gorgeous!!!!

  32. Your decorations are lovely and little Avery is just precious. Thank you for sharing this.

  33. Wow! That cake is spectacular. My birthday is in August. I've always felt sorry for people who have December birthdays. However, it sounds like Doc's birthday was a special one after all!

  34. I'm a December bday baby, too. I just love how everyone decorates and I used to think it was all just for me! :0)

    Love your pretty pictures. Your style of decorating is timeless.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for following me. I'm now following you, too, so I'll never miss another of your lovely posts!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  35. I love the chalk board in that silver frame!! Love, love! I've got a new mirror my husband got me for our anniversary. It definitely needs paint.. but not sure, black, white, but now... silver? Thanks for following :)


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