Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winter Relaxation

Country Living
Happy New Year!  After 2,500 road miles, unpacking, laundry and taking down Christmas decor, I'm ready for some relaxation.  How about a warm fire with my new love? Apple Cider. 
The boxed instant drink mix heats in the microwave for instant comfort. Half a package mixed with pure apple juice=100 calories/0 fat grams.  Less fattening than hot cocoa w/whipped cream (my Christmas time staple.) 

Thanks to all who left sweet comments and wishes while I was away.  I must admit, a 2 week break from technology was quite refreshing. We had a wonderful time with family during the holidays.  
Someone asked me to share about the trip Doc gave me.  Well, sorry to disappoint, it was not an exotic destination but rather a two day trip to my old hometown of Houston.  Time saving and penny pinching. The important thing-  it was just the two of us, a rare happening. Enjoyed every moment.
We stayed at the Marriott at the Galleria.  Love going there at Christmas time to browse the shops and gaze at the giant tree in the middle of ice rink. 

And of course we visited two of my favorite restaurants- 
Chuy's (miss my Tex Mex!)
and the delectable Cheesecake Factory. 
This is exactly what I had for dessert!
Cheesecake Factory
Now you know why I'm watching calories and counting fat grams. 

I'm enjoying catching up on all of your blogs.  So many lovely posts.  Seems everyone is already busy planning projects.  I'm still trying to catch my breath.   
 Maybe a brainstorm will hit while I lay here in my pj's sipping  cider.


  1. Welcome back!!! Enjoy the down time while you can.

  2. Glad to see you are back to blogging Tammy! Your trip sounded wonderful :)


  3. Welcome back!!

    I love apple cider! I'm going to get some for my Keurig.

  4. It sounds like a lovely little trip! Blessings in 2011!

  5. Welcome home Tammy! Sounds like you had a wonderful getaway! Just relax and enjoy slowly getting back into the swing of things!
    Happy 2011 to you and your family!

  6. Beautiful pictures! I can see you had a wonderful Christmas, but glad to see you posting again!
    You always have such nice things to say.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Welcome back. Enjoyed a glimpse of your away time. I can smell the apple cider right through your pics! Enjoy being home, the freshness of a new year, and don't worry about projects...they come when they come! Happy New Year!

  8. Glad you're back. I'm not planning anything just chilling. Enjoy being home.

  9. Welcome home! I hate to admit that I haven't been to The Galleria in a very long time, but it is a gorgeous place.

  10. Welcome back! I missed you! I awarded you a Stylish Blogger award. Details on my blog. I hope you get many new visitors to this special blog.

  11. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. The apple cider sounds yummy!

  12. Have been to the Dallas Galleria which looks much the same. Looks like a great time! Welcome back!!

  13. YAY! You're back! I am so glad to hear that you had a good trip, my friend, I really did miss you. I will have to email you soon. I LOVE my hot chocolate, in fact, I found one that is lite and is actually pretty good, so that is my hot drink of choice. NO whipping cream, thanks.:)
    Love, smiles and hugs, Cindy

  14. So glad you had such a lovely time! Good to have you back! I haven't done much of anything either since Christmas, I gotta get busy!

    Lou Cinda

  15. Welcome home! So glad you had a refreshing vacation!

  16. Welcome back Tammy! What a wonderful Christmas you all had. Beautiful. :)

  17. Hey girl,
    I've so missed your posts. Welcome back. I'm thinking of heating up the ol' mug and drinking some tea.

    Good to see you back on line.

    Hugs, Viola

  18. Looks like a fun trip though, and the relaxing evening here looks awesome! :D

  19. Welcome home. I am enjoying the chill time too. Happy New Year!

  20. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Welcome back. I am so tickled you had a couple of days for just the two of you. After 35 years of marriage, I can honestly say those 2 day or small trips are always the most memorable for us.

    Love the large tree and the ice rink, how magical it all looks. Postcard, picture perfect.

    Hope you have had a great week. The weekend is almost here. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  21. Looks like you had so much fun! Thanks for stopping by Threeboys:)

  22. What a lovely post. But now I think I want a soft pretzel. Hugs!

  23. Welcome back, and happy new year!


  24. What fun... the ice rink at the Galleria! I too am trying to relax but at the same time get energy up to start looking for vintage finds again. Good thing the two go hand in hand...I get excited when I find fun stuff!

    Glad you had a nice time away!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  25. Welcome back! The ice rink looks beautiful. And the tree is gorgeous.

  26. Welcome back everyone needs a break! I love the cheese cake factory! I am wt you, I am just catching my breath and it seems the whole blogger world is already full speed ahead on projects. Your blog has the most gorgeous pictures!


  27. Nothing I like better than sitting by the fire sipping apple cider. Looks like you had a grand old time on your trip.

  28. Welcome home Tammy! I so love hot cider...I'm not a coffee gal!


  29. Welcome back, sweet girl! The Galleria is simply beautiful... When you can get away for some private time, you do not need to have an exotic location. "Away" is quite enough.

    Glad you are back... enjoy that cider


  30. I'm catching up on blog reading, too.

    Happy to hear that your time away was special. Good food, good atmosphere, good company...what more can you ask for.

    Notice that I thought of food first. :)

    Best wishes to you and your family for a peaceful and fulfilling new year.

  31. I've a Houstonian, and you're spot on with the Marriott at the Galleria (I love it too). Great restaurant picks too! Houston really does have some marvelous restaurants!

  32. These pics bring back many memories! I grew up in East Texas and we often went to the Galleria during Christmas - loved every minute of it. Thanks for stopping by my page this week - I too am just catching my breath as well! -diane

  33. Great Photos!
    It looks like you had a fun trip :-)

    God bless you Tammy and I hope you have a great week! :-)


  34. glad you had a nice trip. the trees are beautiful and the food looks delicious!

    have a great week,

  35. Your trip sounds delightful! Time away and cheesecake...perfect.

  36. Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.
    Relaxation drink


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