Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A working girl's dream...

Southern Living steal a moment away.  Just the computer and me.
What started out to be part time work for me has turned into a full time job.  I'm really missing my blogging friends.  It's near impossible to keep up with everything and everybody.  So if you miss me coming by, now you know.   After all, a girl can't afford such luxury if she sits in front of the computer all day.  So off to work we go.

Of all the homes I've lived in, none had a window seat.  I pine for one.
My Ideal

Architectural Digest

Country Living

House Beautiful- above and below

See that little desk over by the window?  That's the closest thing I have to a window seat.  It's where I blog. Thinking I need something a little more comfy.  
Beatrice Banks
  Do you have a cozy spot to blog?


  1. I the corner of my library. I love all these window seats, I always wanted one in an up stairs bedroom with a view! :D

  2. I LOVE window seats too Tammy and have never had one.

    I too am a working gal. Most of the year, I have the BEST job...but right about now, it is a nightmare. I am a secretary in an accounting firm...until April 18th this year, my blogging gets hit and miss and my visits to other blogs, even more so.

    Take care Tammy and visit when you can :)


  3. These are beautiful rooms, the window seats make them even more so. I wish I had one {or two}, but I don't. I wish I had a special little nook but I am really all over the place and usually blog on my laptop at the kitchen table...that tends to be the hub of the house!

    I hope you are enjoying your work. Have a great rest of the week!


  4. I just have my recliner and all that's around it. Don has a nest photos.

  5. I've never had a window seat either. Someday when we build our forever home, I'll make sure there's one. When I was a young girl, my cousins moved from a home in the city to one in the suburbs. I could never understand why they would leave that home with the great big window seat. Of course today as an adult, I know it was for better schools, but at the time I just saw the beautiful house they were leaving for a cookie cutter one.

    I blog from our home office while sitting on a yoga ball next to my hubs who works from home. I'm hoping to get a netbook to blog from so that I can sit in my light filled living room.

  6. I don't have what you would call a "fun" spot to blog. But oh my, I have LONGED for a window seat since I was a young girl!


  7. I have always wanted a day bed by a window...with a curtain! Doesn't it seem like it would be the perfect place to 'ponder and rest'! ♥

  8. I blog on the sofa with my laptop. It would be nice to have a cozy corner but I can't complain.

    Life is good.

  9. Thanks for your nice comments on my Pink Saturday post. I've enjoyed your beautiful blog. I have always liked window seats too. We have window seats in two of our bedrooms but I almost never sit there. They do add interest to a room though.
    Come back and visit me any time. This week my Pink Saturday post will be on my other blog.

  10. Thanks for becoming a follower. I love window seats, but I work at a desk in the basement. No windows to look out of, it there was I would get nothing done. Take care.

  11. Oh I would want a window seat on the second floor with plenty of room to recline and read... lots of pillows like the one above (billybrandtpainting). I love those built in cabinets with a place to put a glass and small plate...

    To blog, I sit at a huge table in my upstairs office/art studio...


  12. Not really...mostly on the sofa in my family room...sometimes from my cozy bed and maybe from my desk in my study (it's my least favorite).


  13. I've never had a window seat either. The ones that you featured are certainly beautiful!

  14. Hang in there! FYI, we miss you as much as you miss us!

  15. Been missing you .. so I thought I'd stop by! Love the post ... I have two spots ... a rocking chair in my sunroom ... and another rocking chair in front of the fireplace! I have a sewing room .. filled with machines ... and a corner office in another room .. but my favorite spot is the sunroom. You'll have a window seat someday!

  16. Such cool window seats!!! I wan to curl up on all of them.
    Mary Ann

  17. PS. I DO have a cosy spot to blog and I want to feature it!

  18. Oh these photos are absolutely inviting, I would love to have a window seat too. My blogging spot is normally in my design studio I just found your blog, it is so beautiful, I am now a follower.

  19. My hubs just made one for me this month and I love it. You have picked a lot of gorgeous window seats to show off, I love the yellow room with the large dark bed and that pretty big window seat.

  20. Well the photos that you've shared today can be considered everyone's dream - I would think anyway:)

    I blog in a corner of our dining room - no laptop ties me to the wee corner.

    Congrats on your job!

  21. Love window seats, ~so cozy and everyone of these is gorgeous!!!

  22. Hi Tammy, love the photo...I dont have a window seat or anything even close:( probably never will, we are getting too old to be moving and starting over...

    I blog on my sofa with my laptop computer...once in a while I use the oldy moldy desktop computer in my office/studio but mostly I sew there now..

    Take care and stop by when you can!


  23. Hello sweet friend,
    Full time work, wow, you must be so busy now, what with you little fellow and all. I had my grands today, FUN!
    I have always wanted a window seat, even when I was just a wee girl, I remember pining for one. When I think about it, the things that I loved when I was young, I still do, funny.
    I adore all of your images, your bedroom looks lovely.
    Hugs, Cindy

  24. Thanks so much for stopping by and becoming a follower. Your blog is lovely. I love window seats too, had two in an earlier home we owned. I didn't really know what to do with them, but after looking at your photos found great ideas. Where were they when I needed them!!! Have a great weekend.

  25. No cozy blogging spot for me. Coincidentally, I just spoke to a decorator friend today, and we have an appointment to start working on my office/den. Maybe my cozy spot if in my near future.

    Love all the pictures!

  26. All your posts are lovely and so so inspiring, Tammy!
    Have the sweetest of Sundays xx

  27. Oh, so pretty!! Thanks for all the great ideas. It's so fun looking at other's houses!!

  28. Oh, and thanks for following me. I will be following you back! :)

  29. You do need something more comfy. You need something to support your back. A exercise ball would be really good because you wouldn't put pressure on your shoulders. I am like you addicted to blogging. I could do it for hours all day long. I love to keep in touch with my blogging buddy's.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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