Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Decorating for the 5 Senses

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to incorporate all five senses into your room decor.  
Usually a room will appeal to the obvious two, sight and touch. 
I'm bringing in the other three, in honor of those I love.

Rather than scatter Valentine decor throughout the house, I prefer to choose a spot, like the foyer, and make the most of it.  
Hopefully, when you enter my house, your mood will be instantly uplifted by a sensory experience.

Click on this clip to see how music can change your mood.

We play a mix of Christian, instrumental and holiday music throughout our home year round. Many nights after the kids have gone to bed, Doc and I enjoy playing romantic music. It helps us to stop talking about life's stressful things and refocus on each other.

I always burn candles. A good, but not overpowering, fragrance will really envelop your guests and make them feel welcome. Candles also create a special ambiance by giving a warm soft glow.

 As one of my bloggy friends, Sharon (Infactuated with Home and Gardens) says- candles are meant to be lit.  Nothing worse than seeing a candle full of dust and a white wick. 

 Can't imagine a wedding or formal event without them. Why wait  for a special occasion to burn them?

Here are two of my favorite brands.
Tyler Candle Company
Circle E Candle Company

If the music and candles don't win over my bunch, I might serve up a little bit of this-


Posting to Valentine's Party at A Holiday Haven, Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home and Valentine's Day Songs at 5 Minutes Just for Me.

Follow up on my question of how to clean a chalkboard:  The very kind and thoughtful Sami from My Texas Nest sent me a link.  Seems Angeline at Country Kingdom has the answer.  Gotta love blogging.  Any answer you need is 2 blogs away.  Thank you ladies!


  1. What beautiful photos. Especially where you focused in on the burning candles. Being in a very small house and having grandchildren I use the battery operated ones and they even look lovely in the evening. Have a great day.

  2. Hi Sweet B,
    What a lovely vignette you have created in your foyer. Mmmm, I could almost smell it, almost taste the chocolate and loved what I saw.
    I hope you have a really nice Valentines day with doc. I have not decorated for Valentines at all, well, except for a couple of hearts in my kitchen. It's just not something that I have ever done.
    Have a really good day, dear friend!
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. I agree with you - candles should be burned. Love the foyer! Very pretty! And that cake looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love this display as you have used so many of my favorite things. Peonies are one of my all time favorite flowers and of course anything with chocolate is always a hit with me!

  5. Beautiful post. I loved the candles..I make soy container candles for my family, they burn them all the time. And the Tyler brand of candles is outstanding!I could eat a huge hunk of that cake!
    You are so talented!
    Have a great day!

  6. you had a great idea there. I like music, too. It uplift your moods. Have a nice day!

  7. Such a fun post...thanks for the chalkboard cleaning link. Whenever I put out a new candle, the first thing I do is light it to just get rid of the white wick look...even if I don't burn it til later. :-)

  8. Your home is so pretty. I love to burn candles. Love your little statue, its so cute!

  9. Lovely post Tammy! And so true about using candles! I see candles at peoples homes and, like you said, with dust on them and I think "why on earth are you just using that to collect dust?" of course, I got over the whole "Only for special occasion" thought process a long time ago. Everyday that I am blessed to be on this earth is a special occassion!

  10. I love the look of tiered cake stands..yours look great!

  11. So lovely! I prefer the concentration of decor over the "scatter" technique also and love Tyler candles. I'll have to check into Circle E. White wicks are strictly a no no. Your entry is so romantic. Beautiful post, thanks!!!!

  12. Beautiful photography! I can "smell" the candles through the computer!

  13. Tammy, your photos and Valentine decor are beautiful! Have an awesome day!

  14. I always forget about music....thanks for reminding me. Great post!


  15. I really like how you stacked your cake plates together and then layered the candy and candles. Your guests must love walking in!

  16. Beautiful pictures! I like candles too and I LOVE your idea about playing music after the kids go to bed...nice idea. How do you get your husband to turn off ESPN? that is what I would like to know.

    I haven't ever tried your candle choices. Maybe they don't carry them in the Midwest? but I will start looking for them. One of my very favorite scents is from Pier 1. It is called Spiced Pear. They smell good even when they aren't lit.

    Your dessert is making my tummy grooooowwwwwl.


  17. I love how you decorate just one spot..and all you have said here I agree with about 5 senses, I l love candles too! :D

  18. Your vignette to Valentines is so pretty there. I totally agree about lighting up! I remember many moons ago Martha Stewart berating someone for having candles in a candelabra and they had never been lit!! So do as Martha says ladies. I do!

  19. Beautiful! I hope you don't mind.. I took one of the candies from the candydish.. BTW, stop by my blog.. there's an award waiting for you..

  20. Beautiful photos and everything looks so relaxing....Christine

  21. Hi Tammy!
    I, like you, love candles! They make every table more beautiful and inviting! Happy Valentines Day to your and your hubby!

  22. Beautiful photos I agree about lighting up.
    Great post!!
    Happy Valentine's Day

  23. Beautiful scented candles and delectible dessert...what more could put one in the mood for Valentine's except a fire place and sweetheart?? Great pics...thanks for starting us off in the right direction!!!

  24. Lovely Valentine vignette!!
    I am a big fan of Michael Buble!!
    I love lighting candles too and playing soothing
    Pamela :)

  25. Lovely romantic post. I'm listening to your music and thinking I should go light at least one candle.
    Mary Ann

  26. I love your photos ,they a so beautiful and serene ,also gotta love anything with Michael Buble in it ,I saw him a couple of years ago on the steps of the Sydney Oprah house Magic!!!

  27. Tammy, The foyer is a perfect welcoming vignette.
    Candles are meant to be lit , I agree!
    This was a great Valentine post!
    Have a pretty day!

  28. I totally awaken all the senses and we'll be truly amazed!

    Thanks so much for your kind words and friendship!


  29. What a beautiful Valentine's Day display you have!
    I agree about having things in a central location.
    Yours looks wonderful.

    White Spray Paint

  30. Lovely display! I agree, candles are made to be lit and enjoyed. Tyler is my all time fav! Thanks for the tip on Circle E.

  31. Your foyer looks so pretty and romantic! I love listening to Michael Buble, too!

  32. I couldn't agree more! There's nothing like being in our cozy home and engaging all of our senses for complete relaxation. I love candles too!


  33. Thanks for sharing how you appeal to all 5 senses through your decor! I really enjoyed reading!

    I awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award today! Come on over and check it out!

  34. I LOVE this! Just beginning the "nesting" process with my new husband (Jan 7). Will start re-modeling our home by year's end. Love the pictures. Want to make home haven. Thanks for the great, beautiful ideas!

  35. This is such a wonderful Valentine's post! You really have the right idea about lighting candles and creating a special place. I will do that too I think!

    Great choice of music too! I am so happy that you will be linking this up to Sunday Song! Thank you so much!

    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family.

    Best wishes always,

  36. Dear Tammy,
    Hi, I'm so glad you found me as I love meeting you. Very nice place you have here in blogland.
    Yes, I am now going to visit often as I'm following you..!
    Yours Sincerely,

  37. Hi Tammy!
    I don't know if you heard but I am having my
    very first giveaway!
    Come on over...don't want you to miss out!
    Pamela :)

  38. I'm a candle fan too...I have two burning right now!!!


  39. Hi there, I am now following you. Thank you for being a follower of mine. I love your setting. The setting and mirror are gorgeous. I love candles too! They make a statment all lit up and beautiful reflections. Layering your plates is wonderful. You have captured the true meaning with the 5 senses. Beautiful my friend. Happy Valentine's Day. Linda

  40. What a beautiful and welcoming setting! So true about candles being lit! Growing up, my mom never, ever lit her candles! She would always "save" them. They would be all dusty and faded! Thanks so much for your nice comments, and for following. Now I will follow you, too! And I am coming right over for a piece of that yummy looking cake:)

  41. Great suggestions and ideas in your blog. Thanks for visiting mine as well. Also great idea to turn off at the end of the day by listening to romantic and inspirational music. It's a lovely way to end the day. Happy Valentine's Day! ~CJ

  42. Gorgeous ideas! I love your blog! I am so glad you stopped by mine so I could find you. I am always looking for inspiration and ideas!
    Definitely following!
    PS- I LOVE candles too

  43. Hi Tammy, thank you for your kind comment, and for the follow. What a lovely blog you have! I'm following now so I don't miss a thing! And I agree on the candle thing, they must be used!

  44. Hello, I think soft music and candles are the best way to relax after a busy day, I love your romantic home.
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I am your follower now, Thank you for guiding me to yours.

  45. I'm excited to have found your blog! It looks like a lot of fun. Tyler candles are my all-time favorite! They are kind of hard to find around here, but well worth the hunt!

    So glad you stopped by! :)

  46. What pretty spots you have created in your home, you just inspired me to light a candle for the fragrance. Great song as well, Michael Buble is such a talent.


  47. Oh this is so wonderful. I love how you decorate. Such a wonderful mood with all of the candles. Thanks for adding this to the party!

  48. So pretty! I can just imagine how beautiful the scent must be. Everything is beautiful.

  49. oh my goodness this is beautiful!!

    love all the candles and that yummy cake!!

    Happy Valentine's weekend to you:))

    Kay Ellen

  50. Calling by from Italy via Australia, to listen to your Sunday Song Selection for San Valentino. What a lovely Valentines post, I love candles and I enjoyed Sway.

  51. What a gorgeous setting (your home) for a beautiful song. Michael Buble has such a beautiful voice. I have not heard him in concert but I have been through most of his songs on YouTube. I think his sound spans generations. Great choice.

  52. Hi Tammy, how beautiful you have become your table! The angel and especially the dim light of candles. blessings, Rose Marie


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