Friday, February 4, 2011

Paris Anyone?

I'm taking a trip to Paris.  
Care to join me?  
Fly right over to this fabulous blog, Paris and Beyond.

The stuff fairy tales are made from.

Every photograph brings you a taste of Paris.

Stroll down the streets.

 A little pink car makes a Happy Pink Saturday 

Meet the beautiful Genie, world traveler, blog author and extraordinaire photographer.  

What led you to Paris?
J'adore Paris!  I have French blood and had always wanted to go there.  It was many years later that I actually went to Paris for the first time. I cried when I saw La Tour Eiffel.  I have been many times, trying to return two or more times each year. 
Have you ever lived there?
No, but I live vicariously through those that do. It almost felt like I did when I stayed in an exquisite apartment on my visit in December.
What is the most interesting or important thing you learned while in Paris?
The most important thing that I have learned in Paris is that you should take enough time to breathe in the atmosphere of the city, to notice the little things and the people, to enjoy the taste of a baguette still hot from the oven, to watch the world from a café terrasse.
Are you a professional photographer?
Although I am not a professional photographer, I grew up with a camera in my hand and years ago developed and printed my black and white studies.  I have a Nikon D70s with an 18-200mm lens for traveling, whether that be a city like Paris or a beach (yes, with sand) in St. Barth's, or a glacier in Argentina.  I lost a lens hood while hanging off the side of a Vaporetto in Venice.  If you have a camera, don't save it for "safe places" or you might miss something!
Is there any advice you can give for those of us who would love to visit Paris?
If you read the blogs, start a list of places you would like to see and things to do from those who visit/live there.  Study a travel guide; visit in non-tourist months, but not August; get a street map (like Michelin or Paris Pratique); learn a word or two of French, saying "Bonjour, Madame" as you enter a store; take lots of memory for your camera; take a travel journal and write about the little things you noticed such as the school children on the Métro; I should write a book...

Back to B-
I think a book would be marvelous!  This has made me want to go to Pairs more than ever!  How about you? In the mean time, go follow this lovely blog.  You can even learn a new french word every day with the audible translator on her sidebar. 
And I promise you will enjoy every piece of eye candy she hands out.

Merci beaucoup for allowing me to feature your blog, Genie!   

If you would like for your blog to be featured aka "B Listed," I'd be honored to do so.  Please leave a comment or email me.
**Side note to all of my wonderful friends- please make sure there is a link to your blog somewhere on your profile.  I have followers with names only.  It's nice to connect a blog to the face plus it helps me remember who you are and most importantly, allows me and others to follow you back. 

Think I'll go have a baguette now. 

As Genie would say-


  1. Someday I will go to Paris and I know I will have the time of my life!! Pretty sure I will fall in love with everything...just like this post!!


  2. I went to Paris in November and it was so cold. I loved every minute of it. Happy Pink Saturday and a very Happy Valentine's Day too, Char

  3. I want to go back!!
    Cute little PINK car!

    Happy Pink Saturday,
    Deborah in NC

  4. Oh, We dream of going to Paris. We had the opportunity when Tony graduated culinary school, but passed. If we could only turn back the hands of time!
    At least we can live through Genie, her photo's are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you for taking me back to my favorite place. To walk the streets, stop for lunch, shop and just relax.

  6. I dream of someday going to Paris. I have no clue if it will ever happen, but one can dream. Thank you so much for following my blog. I look forward to getting to know you. I too will be come a follower. I want to invite you to join our Tea Cup Tuesday Party. It is a lot of fun. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Martha

  7. What a beautiful post! I would love to go to France, and these photos are why! Thanks for the interview and the link.

    Happy PS!


    Sheila :-)

  8. Wonderful post Tammy! And a lot of fun pinks!!

  9. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I enjoy reading your blog. Have a great Pink Saturday.


  10. Very interesting and exciting post, Tammy! Paris, here I come!

  11. This is a great post...well done. Thanks for all your help this past week. I so appreciate it. I took your advice and emailed Penny Lane Designs. I'm excited to see what she comes up with. Have a great weekend...

  12. Everyone to their own taste. I was there once, but was not all that carried away with it. Too expensive and I could not get used to their food. I am glad I got to go, but have no desire to go back.

  13. Beautiful photography of Paris. Thank you for sharing.

  14. Oh La La!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. You have no idea how wonderful it is to see your blog!!! I LOVE IT!!! Its the most amazing concept and its so beautifully done!!! Thank you : )
    A big warm hug and thank you to you for stopping by my blog!! I still can't believe it. I can't stop looking at the photos. Its a definite share with my friends. Will post on facebook : D

  16. Oh yes, I have been to Paris, and am hoping, wishing, praying okayyy....i am going within the next year or two. The plans are in the works...woohoo. :)

  17. Tammy,
    I so love this post. Makes me miss my mom so much.
    Being that I'm half French and half Mexican I love everything about both cultures. I want to go to Paris and see/be in the city of love.

    It's just got a style about it doesn't it.?!

    Take care,
    Viola over at

  18. Ok I am packing my bags right now. I dream about traveling to Europe, especially Paris and London. Those shops have me drooling!

  19. I am back to say thank you for the nice comments and for following me. I am following you now too. Blessings!

  20. What a sweet write up you did for her and such beautiful photography. I'll be visiting her soon.

  21. If you have a camera, don't save it for "safe places" or you might miss something!
    What a wonderful piece of advice. Thanks for the tour. Beautiful pics. xoxo Nancy

  22. Happy Pink Saturday Tammy Sweetie...
    I love this little PINK Saturday post. How exquisite. Paris? Nope never been. Want to? Yes I think all women dream of going there. How beautiful it looks. I can see myself sitting on one of the outside patios, sipping a tea and staring over my shoulder at the Eiffel Tower. That is where I would most love to go.

    Love the carousel and the little pink pedal car. So cute they both are.

    You did an awesome job interviewing Genie, and Genie, a beautiful share. I will definitely pop over and say hello, and see what you can teach this old gal each day for a week. What fun this will be.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend sweetie. Many hugs and SO much love to you, Sherry

  23. The closest thing to seeing Paris is when I've stayed at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. I would love to see the real city some day. Your pictures make me want to go even more. Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. That pink pedal car is just wonderful! Oui! Oui! Paris, magnifique! mon cheri. OK, I am Paris'd out ... beautiful part of Europe ...

    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~
    Hugs, Marydon

  25. I've gotten to the stage in my life when I'm lucky to get out of my State . lol But I can always dream . Seeing blogs like this help me to visualize these far away places. Thanks for featuring this bloger.
    And thank you for following my blog , I am now following you.

  26. Love the inspirational shots of Paris, somewhere I've never been, but hope to experience one day soon. Another thing I must experience: Macaroons. Never had one, but they look devine!

  27. A gorgeous quick trip to Paris! Loved every minute!

  28. I love your Paris photos. We'll be going next month and I can't wait. Happy PS.

  29. Great feature...I love it! WOW, those were some great photos...felt like I was there...Lisa

  30. Oh my dear Tammy, you are so kind to honor my blog in this way on your beautiful blog. I was drawn to your blog not only for its images but for the way you personalize each post mingling your photos and ideas with those of others.

    I am glad that you have found enjoyment in my Paris and Beyond photo blog. Please visit me often and I promise to help you escape (virtually) to a stunning city. Paris, je l'adore!


  31. What a great post! Paris is so beautiful and such a walkable city. It's one of my favorites.

    PS Love your post on daybeds, too!

  32. I can only dream about going to Paris. It was wonderful seeing your cyber tour of Paris. You must have had a good time there. HPS!
    Joyce M

  33. Great post about a blog I have loved for some time. Genie is a wonderful photographer and has the ability to find just that perfect composition with her camera. Every trip to her blog is a mini-trip to Paris!

  34. Thanks for the fabulous trip...I've always wanted to go!!

  35. Lovely interview! Now, I know more about Genie :)

  36. Thanks for the tour! Wonderful.

  37. Merci for featuring my talented friend's blog. I was fortunate to be able to enjoy Paris en juin avec Genie. One of her blog followers noted that her camera loves her and I heartily agree.

  38. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Great tour and fabulous photos!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  39. Her pictures are gorgeous! Merci for sharing!


  40. Oh my, lovely post....take me to Paris!!


  41. Oh, I have always dreamed of going to Paris. My youngest son is going in June for a conference; lucky ducky! I have placed my order already! Loved the photos and thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday and thanks for stopping by.


  42. Paris is beautiful. Those cookies look yummy! Winona

  43. Beautiful post~~and amazing photos :))
    Hope to visit some day...
    Happy PS!!!

    I am having a little giveaway if you want to stop by for a peek:)

    Kay Ellen

  44. Your photos are wonderful. If ever you become a tour guide, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  45. Oh, I'm in absolute HEAVEN just looking at all your beautiful pics!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  46. Tammy,

    This Paris post was sheer perfection. I felt as though I was right there with you. What stunning photographs. I had no idea Paris had so many beautiful sites. I knew it was beautiful, but not this beautiful. It must be heaven to visit.

    Maybe one day I'll make it there with some friends, so I can enjoy the experience with loved ones.

    Thank you so much for sharing such eye candy. It made my day.


  47. Lovely post ~ her photography is divine. Thank you for the introduction.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  48. Thank you for sharing this blog, especially today. I am in the French mood at both my blogs. :) Always lovely to visit your blog too.


  49. Taking a trip to Paris today is just what I love about blogging! We can sit back on a Saturday afternoon and DREAM! I love it....a book would be fabulous! ♥

  50. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my post today. I am your newest follower. I read about Beatrice Banks and think that is a wonderful tribute to your grandmothers. Blessings, Pamela

  51. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - it means a lot to me. Your blog is wonderful! I am a new follower and look forward to spending some time on your blog.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  52. What a fabulous blog feature! Brought back some great memories as the Hubby and I honeymooned there. I just loved having a baguette and goat cheese while I was there. I cried when I saw Monet's Poppies painting. (My Great Grandmother had given me a satin wallet with his painting on the front when I was a girl)

    I'd love to be featured next fun. I'll wait to hear from you.

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  53. Oh what a perfect tribute to my chère amie Genie. Actually I was the "midwife" that assisted in the birth of her Paris blog!!! :) Genie and I met through my Paris blog and shortly thereafter met up in Paris. What fun we had. Now we're like twins separated at birth. I love your blog. I will be back for more.

  54. What a great post, sweet B! I would love to visit Paris one day, my cousin did just this Christmas and put tons of photos on FB, which I saved just because they were of Paris!
    What an interesting woman Genie must be, I shall go check out her blog.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  55. J'adore paris too! it's a romantic city and i really want to go there again someday! love the photos, and i absolutely love the macaroons, so colorful and yummy! thanks for following me and for your lovely words, have a great weekend!

  56. It's nice to meet you Tammy! This is a wonderful post; I enjoyed the trip to Paris. You have an awesome blog. I'm going to spend some time looking around. ♥

  57. Thanks for the Paris trip...I have lived in Europe but never made it to Paris !

  58. Hi Tammy, that brought back memories, I have been to Paris! Its so beautiful there! I enjoyed my trip and I am your newest follower too! I really liked those pedal cars. I collect them and I liked the PINK one!
    Happy Pink Saturday..
    Hugs, Ann

  59. Oh how I would love to visit, maybe some day!!!! I love all of your pictures and of course the pink car is the best:-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy Pink Saturday
    Warm Regards, CindyLew

  60. Thanks for your visit and the "trip" to Paris!

  61. Oh Thank you for the tour. I just LOVED IT! and i saw some things there I would have LOVED to take home! The pink car is adorable mixed in their with her beaus...
    Thank you for visiting me too and I hope you will come to see me often.
    Hugs, Donna

  62. Thanks for the journey, with these beautiful pictures and your enthusiastic description I feel I really was there.

    Thanks for stopping by and yes, I follow you back.
    Hope to see you on Macro Flowers Saturday meme in the future.

  63. OK Tammy
    I am ready to start packing for Paris. I would love to go with someone who knew their way around like Genie.

    Paris is the dream of lots of people now.

    I know a Tammy who was studing in Germany for law school anyway went to Paris just for the week end and stayed up the entire time to try and take it all in.

    Thanks for saying hi to me. I want that PINK peddle car LOL


  64. Thanks for giving me a vacation. I needed a quick getaway. It was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I would love to b listed by you...

  65. How very fun! Thanks for taking me to Paris today! And thanks for following me as well! I'll be following you now as well!

  66. Hi Tammy!!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog!
    I love Paris and one day hope to go but for now I will enjoy these beautiful photos!
    I'm a new follower !
    Pamela :)

  67. Hi Tammy,

    Yes...I would love to go to Paris...and stay.

    The ballerina outfits are so beautiful. Great picture.

    What a wonderful post. Thank you for introducing Genie to us.


  68. Hi Tammy...what a wonderful wonderful post. dream to go to Paris someday...thanks for sharing.

  69. Paris is definitely a place I want to visit! My two oldest kids were there in November and they said I would love it! Thanks for sharing!

  70. Just dropped in to say Happy Pink Saturday! Enjoyed visiting your blog. I was in Paris when our children were small. Someday we hope to go back. Blessings, Debbie

  71. I would absolutely LOVE to go to Paris, I'm not crazy about flying but may have to for a trip to Paris one day... but for now thanks for the tour, I love the pictures you have shown today! I'm so glad that you stopped by for a visit, and thank you for your sweet comments. I've been looking around your blog and really love it here, this is now another favorite of mine, so I will definitely be back often, now I'm heading over to visit Genie's blog! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Blessings~~~ Daphne

  72. Happy Pink Saturday/Super Bowl Sunday! What a wonderful post. Paris is beautiful no matter what time of year you visit. Just walking the streets & plopping down at sidewalk cafes is fabulous, even if you never hit the "name" restaurants it is a lovely experience. Thanks for visiting me! xx's Marsha

  73. I will be traveling to France in May so I of course LOVED this post.

    I write a second blog, Metis Linens and on Fridays we have a feature entitled Fabulous French Fridays. I would love for you to stop by if you haven't already.

    Be blessed.

  74. Thanks for the trip to Paris. Beautiful. I want those macarons. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  75. How wonderful that you featured mon amie Genie! I lived in Paris many years ago and return whenever I can. And when I can't, I still get to go there every day thanks to some charming and talented bloggers—like Genie. (And thanks to her I've discovered your blog. I'll be back!)

  76. I've always wanted to travel there. I so enjoyed looking at the pictures. The little cars are precious. And the "moon pies" (the pink ones). I'm sure that is not what they call them in Paris. But, they looked like them to me. Enjoyed dropping by.

  77. I'm new to your blog and love this post! The photos are gorgeous. It's been many years since I've been there and it was wonderful to take a little trip in the comforts of my chair.

    - The Tablescaper

  78. Such fun to visit your blog and Paris today. What a wonderful idea! I will live vicariously through you. =0)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  79. Thank you for visiting my Pink Saturday! Love the cute car in one of your pictures. Perfect for Pink Saturday!

    Hope your weekend was wonderful!

  80. I'm so glad you could stop by Lavender Hill and become my newest friend/follower ! I did the same here !

    I love this post - so, so romantic and ethereal. My favorite was all the tutus... I could just imagine the sweet little dancers that would wear them!

    hugs from Lavender Hill,

  81. Hi there, I'm your newest follower. I'm so glad I found you, what a wonderful blog you have here. Love all your beautiful photos.

    Thanks for stopping by Savvy Seasons, and for the nice comment! *smile* XOXO ~Liz

  82. Oh yes.....Paris is, most definitely, on my list of places to some day visit! It is always fun to learn from others who have been the photography, Tammy!

    Thank you for stopping by with that lovely comment about my art! You made my day:)! Always so good to hear from you!

  83. I want to wish you a Happy Pink Saturday, but much more as well. The pink car was sweet and unique in that setting, but it was the other of the photos I really enjoyed. It was a bit like taking a tour of the back streets of Paris. I loved every minute of it. Thank you for introducing the photographer to us. Her work is wonderful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  84. Love reading your posts....interesting. Start following your blog. Please visit my blog and do leave a comment there and it would be nice if you can be my follower too. Thank you,have a great day. :)


Thank you so much for taking time to comment! I love hearing from you!