Wednesday, March 2, 2011

B List- Smart Decorating

This week on the B List is...

 (Click on above header to go to blog.)  
Ms. Smartie Pants is exactly what I would have called Laura without her help! 
She's a talented girl.  

She's also a very sweet aunt. 
Look how she's been decorating her niece's home!

I have some questions for lovely Laura.

Have you always been so crafty? Yes, I was an only child and was always looking for ways to spend my time. I would set up a lemonade stand or my own garage sale and then take the money and buy fabric or yarn. My mom didn't know how to crochet so I knocked on the doors in my neighborhood until someone offered to teach me!

Do you decorate people's homes for a living? No, but I used to. Getting paid took a lot of the fun out of it for me. I am big into finding "the deal" and sharing it, which made it difficult for me.  I prefer just helping my friends and family decorate.

What are some upcoming projects we might get to see on your blog? Well, I am not done with my niece's house. Next my sister's house is getting a makeover. Then in the fall my own kitchen will get some sprucing up. And then there's all the little projects in my studio that need to be done.

What are the top 3 tips to making my decor look fabulous without breaking the bank?
#1  Have a vision and stick to it. When you are all over the place, it looks like you couldn't decide. I usually find one item for the jumping off point of the whole room. It can be art work, fabric, a vase, something you truly love. 
#2  Shop, shop, and shop! Look for things with good bones. Don't worry about the color or finish which can be easily changed. Make sure you have items that are all sizes and different textures. Don't try to be too matchy matchy. Nature has all greens in it and it's beautiful!
#3 Buy more than you need and return what you can't use. Be patient, it takes months to create a room. I usually purchase things for several months before I decorate a room in my home. Once I have a collection then I begin to decorate, adding more as I go.

She has some outdoor spaces that are just as "smart."

 Go see what you can dig up at her blog!
Thank you Ms. Smartie Pants!



  1. Boy, Laura is one talented lady! I especially like her tip about how a room can take several months. Makes me feel oh so much better!

  2. Oh my, each of those rooms is gorgeous! I have just gotten several decorating ideas. You are very fortunate to have such a creative aunt to draw ideas from, or for that matter, to offer ideas to you.

  3. Gorgeous...going to check it out now.

  4. She is so talented and I love that she shared some tips to help us all. Beautiful photos.

  5. Tammy and friends, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  6. Beautiful..I'll have to stop over!

  7. That is gorgeous. Laura is a very talented lady and I love her 3 tips for decorating on a budget:)
    Thanks Tammy for sharing :)

  8. Hi Tammy, thanks for introducing us to Laura. I'll be checking out her blog foru sure. Not only is she crafty, but she takes initiative. I wonder if she'd like an adopted niece lol.

  9. Wow is he talented! I love what she did with that screen. I love that she said for get colors and finish, just go for good bones!


  10. So inspiring! I truly enjoyed the decor in the kitchen area with the painted frames and the silverplate items. The window is extremely cool (hard to find with that neat pattern too) with the teapots. LOVED IT! Thanks for the interview.

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  11. Catching up with you today...I loved the old window frame on the mantel...awesome! :D

  12. Thanks for leaving me a comment at my new blog. Your blog is lovely! I am a follower too! Thanks! Amy

  13. I love the way you so nicely pull together from other places. So informative, inspiring and enriching. Glad you had a good time in Savannah!

  14. Love your blog. As always it was a pleasure to visit. I put your button on my blog. :)

  15. It's always amazing to hear the stories of artists and how they grew up and expressed their creativity. Laura has a amazing story. I think your strongest skills show up at a early age you just don't see them until later in life.

    -Zane of ontario honey


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