Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fascinators Are Fascinating

The fascinator is a headpiece, a style of millinery. In the last post, many of you asked how those hats (or fascinators) stayed on the head. According to Wikipedia, "modern fascinators are commonly made with feathers, flowers or beads. They attach to the hair by a comb, headband or clip."

Can't talk about a fascinator without showing the Royals again.

These expectant moms look great in a fascinator.

Still one of my favs.

Fascinators have been around a long time.  

(All of the above photos via Pinterest)

Look at the adorable little girl with a big bow fascinator in this vintage photo.

This is a childhood portrait of Marydon's mother.  Marydon's blog is The Blushing Rose.  I emailed Marydon yeseterday to ask her permission to copy this photo.  She graciously obliged.  But what she didn't know is.....


Marydon, you are the winner of the $125 giveaway!  Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
Shop til you drop girlfriend!  Be sure to show us what you purchase with your gift codes to Ebay, Burlap and Blue, Cards by Carla, Raggy Girl Vintage, Cotton Breeze, and Bella Rosa Antiques.
I appreciate each of the sponsors who made this possible.

Have you even been the first one to enter a giveaway? I don't know if I've ever seen #1 drawn for a blog giveaway.  But someone has to be brave to get the party started.  That someone here was Karen from Living in the 513. I'm going to send you a little something Karen, just for being first! 

Thanks to everyone who entered and also shared blogging tips.    Wish I could send something to each of you.  Your friendship is the greatest gift of all! Thanks for following Beatrice Banks!


  1. Interesting. I know they have been around a long time, but I'm wondering if they have always been "in style" or have just recently come back into vogue?

  2. Who ever termed them as "fascinators" picked the perfect name!

  3. I just love the style of these hat - My friend lives in Cornwall, England and when her daughter was married - everyone wore hats too. It just isn't done as much in the US but I love the look. There's a book I love called "Crowns" have you ever seen it? Jennifer

  4. I am SO thrilled for Marydon! She is such a sweet lady and has such a wonderful blog! And how nice of you to give a surprise to Karen! This was an amazing giveaway, my friend! Thanks for the fun! Enjoy your day! It's hot here...I better wear my baseball cap or buy me a pretty hat! heehee! ♥

  5. Congratulations Marydon! These hats are gorgeous, beautiful post!

  6. I'm always fascinated by how these beauties stay put!

    Congratulations Marydon!!!!

    janet xox

  7. I had never heard of the term fascinator. But I guess it is an appropriate word. I think one must be brave to be so fascinating!

  8. I adore fascinators and wish they would come into vogue here in the states. It's the perfect way to wear a hat and still do something fun with your hair. Great images! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hello,

    Congratulations to the winner! Love these head pieces.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. Love all the fascinators :) Again, more fun ideas for Derby hats! Thanks!

  11. I have to say that I too am fascinate with facinators! Hmmm... do you think we can bring this look to the US, ha!

    Congrats to Marydon!


  12. Oh I am also loving the fascinators, Tammy...No one wears one like Kate, much more fashionable than hats, in my opinion!

    Congrats to sweet Marydon! Wow, great win for a lovely lady.

    Chat later,

  13. You are so sweet & thank YOU for the giveaway. Yah!! And I love the fascinators & wonder if they are going to be a hit over here in the US? Thanks again! Karen

  14. Lovely post. Until 2 weeks ago I've never heard of a 'fascinator', lol. I remember them back in the 60s.
    Have a blessed day.

  15. It never ceases to amaze me that fascinators are able to remain in place with just pins or clips! They really complete the outfit! What did you think of the fascinator Princess Beatrice wore to the royal wedding?

  16. Thanks for stopping by, and no you're not too late to enter. Tonight by midnightis the deadline (eastern standard time.)
    Blessings & Hugs,

  17. I would love to wear one of I just have to come up with a place to wear one!!!

  18. Congrats to Marydon! Hope she has fun shopping and sweet of you to share with Karen. I don't believe I have ever seen #1 win. Funny!

    I secretly would love to try one of these. Don't they look like fun?!!

    Love the picture of Marydon's mother. So sweet! I have one of my great great grandfather and he looks to be wearing a dress. My sister would always ask who the girl was in the photo, haha:)

    Hope your day is good, Tammy!

  19. GULP!!! What a wonderful surprise, Tammy! I am sooo excited, I can barely speak/think! And such a sweet gift for Karen ... altho, yes I have had #1 pop up before in my giveaways.

    Thank you for my Mother's darling picture as part of your share, today, Tammy. I so love this picture, she was a cutie ...

    Well, after I clean up from 'digging in the dirt' I will go shopping. I can hardly wait.

    THANK YOU ALL for your involvement in this lovely generous giveaway. I am GLAD that I won, but wish everyone could have shared in my win.

    Have a beautiful day, Tammy.

  20. Yay for Marydon...a nice surprise! I love these hat/head cute! :D

  21. Fun post! I suspect that fascinators and hats are going to be seen out and about more since the royal wedding.
    Congratulations to Marydon. I'm sure she will have fun shopping at all these lovely shops. ~ Sarah

  22. Dear Tammy,

    Thank you for providing this opportunity to
    your followers/friends, Tammy.

    It's always nice to be appreciated whether
    you are the giver or the receiver.

    Congrats, to the winners!

    What a special treat.


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  23. Congratulations Marydon! Great giveaway to win.. I hope you enjoy all your goodies!

  24. These things SERIOUSLY amaze me. Thanks for sharing

  25. Congrats to Marydon on winning this fab giveaway!

    Love your posts on hats and fascinators. I sometimes feel as though I was born in the wrong era. Perhaps it is because I romanticize the days when women in this country could dress in such a fashion. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  26. I just love the name of them. No one does it like the English.

  27. Congrats to MARYDON! Whoo hoo! What a lucky lady.

    Thanks so much Tammy for a fun giveaway.

  28. Love the hats and their cool name-- fun factoid! Congrats, Marydon!


Thank you so much for taking time to comment! I love hearing from you!