Monday, May 23, 2011

Gift Wrapping

I love it but usually only do it at Christmas.  With a pile of graduation and wedding gifts to wrap, I'm thinking a gift wrapping station could really motivate me to create fancy packages.



 This is one of my favorite blogs. 

Sande does amazing work and also owns a gift wrapping shop. (Adding this one to the B List!)
A Gift Wrapped Life
A Gift Wrapped Life

I usually take the lazy way out and use gift bags.
Which do you prefer?
Wrapped gift?
Or gift bag?


  1. Hello,

    Love gift wrapping and these photos are fabulous!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  2. I am dreaming of a craft room with a wrapping station. Especially one that is as beautiful as the pics you shared! Thanks for sharing "A Gift Wrapped Life"! I haven't seen her before, but WOW!

  3. I wish I was better at wrapping the gift bag is usually my route. Loved the photos!!

  4. Hi! I definitely go the gift bag route...but I do love a wrapped present with a huge, beautiful bow. Hope you had a great weekend...~Ann

  5. Hello sweet lady,
    I almost always use gift bags, but I would absolutely love to receive one gift wrapped in some gorgeous paper and a flower on top.
    Hugs, Cindy

  6. Hi Tammy, I usually prefer to wrap gifts, I like making them special. Sometimes I simply make the gift the wrap too such as a pretty cream pitcher full of flowers then I add a pretty tag with a key, or sea shell. Love the vintage wrap with the bird's nest, so special.

  7. Oh, Tammy, what beautifully wrapped gifts/ideas. I, too, have been slack in using bags but love creating pretty gifts. Never thought of a work station, but these are nifty ...

    Have a lovely week ~
    TTFN ~

  8. Oh yes, I have been following Gift Wraped Life too. I love her blog. Get's me all excited to see such wonderful wrappings and I did use one of her design's when I sent a book to my niece in Texas...she loved her package..I know I would..

  9. Those gifts look amazing to me Id love to get one like any of those!

  10. Oh to have such a beautiful place to create such beautiful packages.

  11. I love wrapping gifts! I have always wanted a gift wrapping station. The closest thing I have is a hanging ribbon bar and a ribbon box. Someday!

  12. I am so green with envy over those gift wrap stations.
    I usually go with a container of sorts and pile stuff in it then wrap it up with patterned cellophane.
    I recently did one for a friends 50th. that started with a 2 1/2 foot tall margarita glass. Imagine what went into that package.

  13. Hi Tammy
    WOW!!! Can I have any one of the rooms above?? I wish I had something like that at my home :(
    I'm with you, I do the gift bag and then some tissue paper. However after seeing this post and looking at Sande's site. I think I'm going to try making an effort:)
    Have a wonderful week buddy:)

  14. It's fun to get a gift all wrapped in pretty paper! I know our grandkids LOVE to open presents so we try to wrap theirs! ♥

  15. Oh I prefer a gift wrapped box. gift bags are pretty, but it is nicer to have to rip something apart to get at it!!

  16. Oh a wrapped gift for sure!!! In the new house I want ot have a little spot for wrapping gifts in my little office area. It doesn't take much effort to make a more special . A little PRETTIER.
    Great post~
    Have a pretty day!

  17. This makes me want to buy a gift for someone! Beautiful places to wrap and beautiful wrapping! I prefer wrapped! :)

  18. Tammy, I've always dreamed of having a gift wrap center. I'm guilty of using gift bags, but really prefer gift wrap. I like to wrap gifts in unexpected papers or textiles. Depends on how much time I have. I'm often last minute. LOL
    Love the blog, A Gift Wrapped Life. ~ Sarah

  19. Cute little wrapping places, Maybe if I had such a place I might enjoy wrapping presents. One thing I like to use for wrapping paper is old calendar pages (if the present is small enough, or I put two pages together). Everybody likes it and if you are one to write on your calendar, the inside of the wrap can be quite interesting.

    I have to give a disclaimer about my beach post ... that lineup of old folks watching the sunset is not us --- I'm not quite that old yet! Smiling!

  20. I'd love a sweet little spot to wrap up my goodies. The best part of the gift is the wrapping ~ at least for me. Sande is so clever with her creations. I don't think I'd be able to open the gift for fear of ruining such beauty.


  21. Hi Tammy,
    Oh I would so love a nice gift wrapping station where I can keep all of my stuff organized. I love to wrap gifts but have found of late that since I don't really have the proper place to do it I just seem to wrap gifts in whatever paper I find. My favorite wrap would have to be brown packaging paper. One Christmas I wrapped all of the gifts with this and tied them in raffia and burlap. What a pretty presentation it made!
    Marianne :)

  22. One of my friends has a gift wrapping station and she loves it! It would be nice to have a designated area for that. I like wrapped packages....but have to say that most of the time I do gift bags because it's so much easier....but I try to make sure they are very very pretty...lots of tissue and ribbon. At Christmas's all packages unless I have a gift that I will only fit in a bag.

  23. It would be beyond wonderful to have a space like that. Creating anything is a challenge when you don't have a designated space to work. I do a little of both, sometimes a gift bag sometimes a wrapped gift. But I don't come close to those gorgeous packages. I have to go check out that site, so I can have another creative obsession LOL...Just what I need.

  24. A gift-wrapping station/room....wouldn't that be a dream come true?? It's right next to my 500 square foot closet.


  25. In my youth, I worked at JC Penney and Macy's where I learned how to wrap gifts professionally. It truly is an art form but I usually just use a bag these days.

  26. Hi Beatrice, Of the two ways I think is necessary, but I prefer the shell, the presentations are much more beautiful and elaborate. I had gifts that day expected to open, just for the beauty of the wrappers! ja, ja, ja, Greetings, Rose Marie

  27. Lovely photos, and for me... just a surprise! How fun it would be to have a corner and a table just for gift-wrapping and not just at Christmas!

    I prefer wrapped gifts for giving to add a special touch (I learned from my aunt as a child)...


  28. I love gift wrapped the best. I had every intention of having a nice gift wrap room, you know, like Martha Stewart, but I still haven't done it! ;D

  29. Gift wrapping is so fun. These photos remind me of when we helped our cousin at the drygood store wrapping presents before the big Christmas party. Love those memories!

  30. Thank you so much for the most lovely mention Tammy! And wonderful to meet you and your gorgeous blog this way. You did pick a few of my personal favorites too. Though I think there are wonderful gift bags in the market, I just adore a boxed gift. Again............thank you. XO

  31. That is a little slice of heaven. To have one tiny nook with your wrapping supplies would be grand. I love to see orderly supplies in a display, that must come from my obession with ribbon and paper.

  32. It's funny how gift rapping is in a way a art. The right bow makes all the difference. Your cat likes to sit on the stool chair. Does she or he jump on there?

    -Zane of ontario honey

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