Thursday, June 2, 2011

B List and a Friend

And on the B List today is...
Oakview Cottage.
This blog belongs to a beautiful lady named Cindy.  Cindy is one of those people who truly blogs for the joy of it.  She is sweeter than the goodies she bakes!

She always finds ways to be creative, like sewing ruffles on a t-shirt.  How cute is that?
Sometimes in life, you meet friends in unexpected ways.  I'm thankful.  

Many days she has sent me words of encouragement.

We have many things in common and
 have promised each other that we will meet in person, some day, some how...

I've got a feeling we could write a book!

Take a moment today to send a message to a special friend! 


  1. B~
    What a lovely tribute to a very dear friend!!
    It is always so nice to meet in real life..
    and to discover how very well one actually "knows" their bloggy friend already!!
    I have done this on numerous occasions.,
    and adore my new friends..
    warmest sandy hugs..
    Loui♥ ready to preview your book!!

  2. Tammy,

    I enjoyed your post on Cindy.

    True friends are worth holding on to. I hope the two of you meet soon.


  3. Very sweet. I enjoy Cindy's blog, and I think you led me to her!

  4. What a fitting tribute to a lovely lady! Cindy and I are good bloggy friends too and I so enjoy her posts. I too, hope we can meet someday. Blessings, Pamela

  5. What a lovely post! I will have to go over and check out her blog! Have a great day Tammy!

  6. OH i adore Cindy and her blog! Her home is so lovely and i love visiting it!
    She is so talented too!
    I hope when you both get to meet i'm there too!!

  7. Sweet and I just love her too! :D

  8. You darling girl, I knew you had mentioned me because of all the sweet comments that came my way from your lovely followers, but to focus on me! Tears are in my eyes, it is so lovely to see yourself through a friends eyes, especially someone like you, my dear Tammy.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  9. Beautiful! I will definitely visit her. :)

  10. It's great that you made a blogger friend that you want to meet. I have had that luck and it's like meeting an old friend. Cindy sounds like a special person, you are, too!


  11. Oh I love Cindy too. I didn't know you guys were friends too. I accidently sent her a crazy email ...that was meant for another Cindy...I was just ranting and ranting about stuff that I only only would say to the other Cindy and then after I sent I realized...I'd sent to the wrong Cindy! But it all turned out ok...since this Cindy is so nice and understanding and now we've become friends too. I love her kitchen. We were just talking about kitchens back and forth yesterday. I loved the bits of turquoise she showed today in her house.

  12. I've been a follower of Cindy's blog for a while now and your so right. A sweeter, nicer lady would be very hard to find!

  13. Such beautiful spaces! And what a scrumptious looking dessert! Her blog is a new one for me. Can't wait to check it out.

  14. What a sweet friendship you two must share. I do hope you get to meet her in person someday soon.

    Hope you and your family are well and doing great.

  15. I've never been to Cindy's blog...I'm going right now. I must say are perhaps the most generous blogger out there. I am so impressed by your kind words. You too blog for the right reasons. I am so glad we met and I would love to meet you in person some day too...

  16. This is so sweet Tammy. I will have to visit Cindy's blog. You always have such lovely posts and I really enjoy visiting you!
    Marianne :)

  17. Such a sweet friendship you two have kindled. And oh, that kitchen is really doing it for me! Stunning photos! I'll have to visit Cindy!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  18. Dear Tammy,

    Thank you for sharing.

    Have a great weekend.


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  19. What a sweet post. Hopefully you will meet some day. I can't believe I am going to meet my blog buddy tomorrow.

  20. Tammy,
    What a beautiful post...I hope you two get to meet one day.


  21. Sweet post about a sweet lady and lovely photos, too!

  22. What a thoughtful post! I do hope you two get to meet someday. Thanks for introducing us. ~ sarah


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