Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Book Smart

Have you seen art prints copied onto dictionary pages?  I first saw them on Pinterest and thought, hey here's an inexpensive way to do an art gallery on my wall.  So I ordered about 10 prints from Winterberry Cottage.    (Buy 4 and get 1 free.) 


 These are a couple of the prints I bought. 
Looks like an easy thing to make but much easier to order if you ask me!  I'd have to go out and buy a dictionary of this size. We have pocket sized dictionaries but otherwise depend on the internet for everything around here. Remember the days of encyclopedias? I used to love to thumb through the pages at random, even sticking my face between the pages. umm..I can smell it now. Can't help it. I love books and learning. 

Yesterday, I found frames with mats at The Christmas Tree Shop for under $7.  So now I'll have a large art display over my sofa without breaking the bank. (post photos soon.)

I love the ones in color too. Wouldn't this be cute for Halloween?
Posting to Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @Coastal Charm. 

Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post. It has been so interesting and enlightening to hear what each of you have to say about various locations. I've read every single comment to the doc and we've taken it all in. So nice to get a personal glimpse of different cities. Much appreciated!


  1. I love these. I've been looking at them on Etsy and Pinterest too. Thinking about an ocean inspired theme.

  2. This is interesting, especially since I am thinking of something black and white for my wall. And i love altered books-type things!

    My first reaction to your previous post was Charleston (and Savannah if you said that city) ---such a wonderful place to live, but I think it is also sort of a complicated place with all the tourist traffic! And its also farther from your family.

  3. Well, I am late to the party as I did not know (really!) about Pinterest until my daughter told me over the weekend. Oh my! I am amazed at all and must stay away unless I have lots of time to spare!

    I do love these prints, Tammy, and that little black cat is adorable!!


  4. People will never stop being creative - and that's a good thing. Thanks for introducing me to this new art that I had not seen.

  5. LOVE these! Especially the bee! I have some saved in my Etsy and think they are just awesome!

    Lou Cinda

  6. Tammy, I'm so glad to see you stop by. Yes, back to blogging after a tough winter and spring. Missed it and everyone. I have that issue with my Followers not always showing up and I can't for the life of me figure it out. It goes in and out so don't give up :) I think its from canceling one blog and starting again with the same URL.

    Love the dictionary pages as the mat for the pictures. Great idea. I'm also on Pinterest. I'll look you up. Love that place.

  7. I like those too. I saw some but I don't remember where. I would rather order and hang as well!!

  8. There are sooo many creative things people do with old books. Add one more to my list of projects.

  9. I've seen versions of these around the web, but I really like the bee one and the cute Halloween one. I guess I'm cheap because I'd probably find some kind of book around the house to make my own, but I'm kind of that instant gratification type. I always love seeing new ideas for old books, so thanks for these!

  10. its wonderful I love the look. the halloween one is cute

  11. What a creative idea. I love it. Might have to order some for myself soon. Thanks

  12. How Cute! I love this idea, may even be able to do it on a table or something?

  13. I can't wait to see pics of your house. I checked out Winterberry Cottage. Very cool stuff. Hope your week is going good.

  14. I am sooo happy your sweet, positive self is back....and your great taste on display again.

  15. Wow - I've missed you so much. I'm glad you got moved and interested to see where you guys end up. The prints are adorable, unique as well as beautiful. I've seen them on Etsy and eyed them myself. They will look beautifully framed over your couch - can't wait to see pics.

    Hope you're doing well.


  16. These are so cute. I love the the dictionary page background. The bee is my favorite!

  17. These are darling!These would make a cute display on the wall.


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