Monday, September 19, 2011

A MilitaryThemed Birthday Party (Part 1)

My little hero turned 6! We celebrated with a theme of his biggest fascination- the military. It was a fun party to decorate.

It started with this invitation from andersruff on Etsy.  They were great to work with and sent me the image so I was able to copy it right on cardstock. 

For envelopes, I took a USPS envelope, cut it down and stapled it to size.

The party was held at our neighborhood park, reminiscent of a fort, so it was an ideal location.

The weather was perfect EXCEPT, the wind was blowing very hard. It was difficult to even take photos with everything in place. The decor had to be altered somewhat to keep it from blowing away. 

Still cute don't ya think? 

 A framed invitation can be a nice way to tie everything together.

The cupcake toppers were made by maddieclaire on Etsy. She is such a delightful person and has a touching situation. I encourage you to check out her shop if you're in the market for cupcake toppers. 

$6 Wal Mart cupcakes + my own sprinkles = saving $.

 Fruit kabobs are always a hit. I find a way to serve them at every party. Seems both adults and kids love them. 

The Twizzler rope idea was found here. 
(Thanks Jodie!)
I ran plain brown paper bags through the printer to make personalized bags for the young guests' pre-made lunches of grilled hot dogs, chips and fruit roll ups.

The rest of our guests enjoyed their lunches on the back tables.

My reward?

Next post will feature party favors and games.

Posting to Wow Us Wednesday and Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Tammy,

    What a great party! Love the fruit launchers and dynamite sticks! My son also had a military themed party for this 6th Birthday;) I posted it on my blog if you would like to check it out.

    Have a great week!


  2. LOVE your creative candy names! Looks like a fun party, and Noah's smile is definitely a great reward. :-)

  3. Such a cute party idea. My sister did the military theme one year for her son, too.

  4. OMG this is so stinkin adorable!!!! LOVE everything about it! What a cute little boy too. Happy Birthday to him!!

  5. What a special party for a six year you have done a marvelous job. such darling ideas. He will always remember this day. Trish

  6. Aw, what a neat idea. Looks like he loved it! Happy birthday, kiddo!

  7. What a fun theme, great props, good thing you had those army men to hold down your napkins! I'm sure they all had a 'blast', ha!

  8. You NEVER cease to amaze me! Great party theme and very attractive...with a definite masculine touch. :)

    Happy Birthday Noah!

  9. What a cute party idea & you outdid yourself! I nominated you for the 'Versatile Blogger' award today. Congrats!

  10. What a wonderful party! Clever ideas and I love the invitation. Amazed that sprinkle cupcakes cost more than non sprinkle! I'm sure you all made a wonderful memory!

  11. It looks like the birthday boy of honor totally had fun at his military themed party. Those fruit launchers look de-licious! The food looks perfectly arrayed by the elegant hostess:)

  12. Yes, I painted the peacock feather free hand. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. cute and original idea for a little boys party. I bet he loved it. Looks like he did from the grin on his face.

  14. Oh this is just so cute. You did an amazing job with everything. It all looks so yummy. I'm sure all of those little military boys and girls had a great time!
    Marianne :)

  15. Love this! Great birthday pictures, Tammy. I bet your son had a great time. Wonderful memories in the making.

  16. Hi Tammy, Your little reflected his joy on his face! Every detail tells us that samples organizastes great, varied and fun. Every detail to eat at the table, cup cake and other spectacular saw themselves! greetings, Rose Marie

  17. WOW!!! You are one SUPER great mom, Noah must have been very impressed with you. It's so fun to make kids happy, isn't it.
    I just popped in to say "hi"! I will be home in two days to blog again.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  18. OMG that is amazing! All of that army stuff?! I wish I had thought of 1/4 of that when I gave my 9 yrold step son his military party. I bought most of his gifts at an army navy supply store, and he was thrilled to have authentic army gear!

  19. Tammy, what an incredible party! I just love the way you labeled the food. How creative you are!

  20. Oh my gosh how cute. You tied everything together so well! You get an honorary award for your service Mama! :0)

  21. Dear Tammy,

    Looks great!

    I'm sure it was a big hit.

    I'm trying to determine what I want Baby Girl's
    birthday to be in a few months.

    Great ideas.



  22. My word! I didn't think it could get any better, but it did. I'm reading your posts backwards. Ha! You are the party MASTER!! My youngest is 10, but if I was ever going to do another military style birthday party, I would have to copy you (well at least try to). I LOVE all the creativity that went into this. This party had to take a long time to put together. I'm sure all the kids are still talking about it.

  23. The Death by Chocolate looks like miniature hand grenades. I loved it all Tammy...Kudos to you.

    lisa x


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