Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Sale and A Salad

Here's a sale alert. Target has a lot of things marked down 50-75% off.  For me, it's like an Easter egg hunt because they always put things at the end of aisles or out of the way places. 
This lamp was marked down to $11.94

Pillows were my favorite finds at $6.24 and $4.98!  Snatched up all they had. 

The blue are kind of nautical/masculine and will go in my son's room.
 The black and cream will go nicely in our great room. 
Love the thickness. You know I'm all over hounds-tooth too!
A funny thing happened when I went to grab them. A lady came around the corner and put her hand on them first.  I graciously walked away and went to another aisle. Came back and there they were.  woo hoo!  I guess she decided not to get them. 
Finders keepers.

Secondly, here's a really good recipe for a broccoli and grape salad. 

1 head of broccoli cut in small pieces
2 cups seedless red grapes- halved
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 cup celery- chopped
green onions- chopped

1 cup real mayo
1/3 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon vinegar

Mix together and chill.
You must try it.  It is simply divine!


  1. My goodness...I so wish I had the time to pop in Target today...maybe tomorrow. Love those blue pillows and this salad recipe sounds sooooo good!!


  2. I am going to have to make a trip to Target!! I have one about 45 minutes from me! And I haec copied down this recipe! Looks yummy!!

    Lou Cinda

  3. Oh I love the pillows. I love to peruse the pillow section of home stores. I rarely buy any because of the prices....but those were very affordable. Great finds!

    The broccoli salad would be a huge hit around here too. I'll have to make it!

  4. Hello my friend,
    We do not have a Target yet, but I am so looking forward to getting it here.
    That salad looks very yummy, I am on my way to the grocery story very soon, so I will pick up what I need for it. Thank you, sweet lady! I know we will love it.
    Did I tell you in the last post how much I love your gorgeous dark wood floors? They are just stunning!!!
    Hug, Cindy

  5. I love the pillows especially the black and cream ones. Target is coming to Canada by 2013 and there will be one near me! I can't wait.

  6. What a steal on those items! I love the nautical pillows {well, of course I do} and am glad your son will get those for his room.

    Happy Autumn to you :O)

  7. The salad looks great! I'll try it, I'd love those black and beige pillows too, but would not have grabbed them at the same time! Oh my! And the lamp--bought that at a higher price for my DIL's baby shower-it was on her list!

  8. The salad I have always loved, it's the best! Love all the pillows..wish I lived closer to a Target. I just bought a Shabby Chic line shower curtain there, love it! :D

  9. Cute finds and that salad is one of my favs love love.

  10. Oh good buys. I love when I find deals like that at Target.

  11. Oh, criminy! Back to town we must go! What fab buys you got Tammy, love your choices.
    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  12. I haven't been into Target lately. Don't want to be tempted!

  13. This recipe looked so tempting today that I blogged about it! Now I will have to go buy the ingredients and try it this weekend. Thank you!

  14. Don't you just get happy when you walk in a Target? I wish I could get there more often...the nearest one is about 45 min. away. Not just a quick trip. I shop on their website quite a bit though. Your salad looks delish. I think grapes really brighten up any salad. Very fun post!

  15. What a deal - that's awesome! I'm really loving the houndstooth!

  16. Ok thanks...just what I need, another reason to go spend money! Target, here I come!! :) The salad looks awesome. So now I have to go to the grocery store too. Thanks Tammy!!

  17. Dear Tammy,

    Congratulations on your finds.



  18. Great pillows! Love the blue ones the most. The salad looks yummy, I copied it. We make a similar one w/o the grapes/celery/nuts but with sesame seeds and bacon, it's a family favorite!

  19. Who does not love a good sale and an even better looking salad YUMMY!

  20. Love the pillows and what a yummy salad!!!

    I love love what you did in your last post to the stairs!!! Amazing !!!!


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