Monday, November 21, 2011

The Console

It's always fun to add a surprise element of furniture to a traditional space.  This mid-century styled console/buffet is a very heavy piece of furniture. The single most dreaded piece when moving. The top is solid granite. We have surround sound in this room so it makes a great to house my stereo system. (I've yet to hook up stereo so excuse the wires shining underneath.)

I won this little postcard on ebay.

It was postmarked March 5, 1913.  Isn't it interesting how the addresses were not very specific in those days?

View from the sofa-
console: consignment shop
mercury glass lamps: Tuesday Mornings
red finial bowl:  Sears
mirror: Hobby Lobby
books, antlers and trophy: antique/thrift stores
croc tray and silver candle holder: Home Goods
candle: gift
leaf candy dish: Goodwill

Posting to:
Mod Vintage Life 
Coastal Charm
Savvy Southern Style

I'm extending the Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway for a couple of more days.  If you haven't signed up, please go here
Winner will be announced Wednesday.


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm already a follower and already "Like" them on FB!

  2. Hello sweet B,
    I love your console, it's lovely and you have styled it so beautifully. Very nice!
    I love the horns, the candle and the sweet little vintage postcard. There must have been only one person by that name in Copenhagen. Interesting, makes you wonder how anybody got any mail.
    Have a beautiful day my sweet friend.
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. I really love this look. The nice big console with the symmetrical lamps. Very chic. :o) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Enjoy!

  4. What a great anchoring piece for your room ~ the decorating options are endless.


  5. Tammy that is a gorgous piece of furniture. I am not usually a fan of mid-century modern but your console has me re-thinking. I love the color, is that the original color?
    I hope your turkey day is fabulous.

  6. Tammy this is really beautiful piece! I love how you used your accessories. Really Lovely! Hugs

  7. Love your vignette with the silver, antlers and that hunt scene postcard. Neat. Great console.

  8. I like the console Tammy. It has a fresh look. I just got a half dozen 1910 postcards, and I noticed the same thing, a very simple address, just the name and the town and state! I got some old thanksgiving ones and will share soon~

  9. Your new console with its fall vignette looks terrific. Love the little post card. Happy Thanksgiving ~ Sarah

  10. Your console is classic and timeless. Looks lovely with those gorgeous lamps! Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

  11. That's a fabulous console! I love the candles. Happy Thanksgiving!


  12. Beautiful console, Tammy, and such a neat vignette on it, too. LOVE the hunt scene postcard.

    Hope you and your sweet family have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  13. a simple piece is always a great way to allow the other pieces to shine! beautiful!

  14. Your console, lamps, mirror and tray create a sophisticated vignette. Great job! I especially like the monogrammed candle.
    Have a lovely day,
    ~ Wendi ~

  15. I have every sort and era of furniture in my house. Totally the way to go. We have pieces like that that no one like to move so maybe that is why we never move. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.

  16. Tammy i love the console. it is just beautiful, and the lamps are perfect...~Grace

  17. I have noticed things like that too (post card address). Everything was so much smaller and everyone knew everyone else. Love it!

  18. Tammy, it's beautiful! Doesn't it remind you of something you'd find at Restoration Hardware? We have a Credenza in our living room we found at a thrift store and we love it, it holds so much, and looks beautiful too. Your vignette as always is stunning. Love your home, tami

  19. What a great piece! Love the postcard too!

  20. what a beautiful piece and beautifully styled! I love it! Thanks for visiting my blog! I've joined your lovely site! :-) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  21. Ooh, what a stylish piece. I love it, and the postcard too.
    I stopped by to wish you and your loved ones a very blessed Thanksgiving.
    Much love.

  22. That console is wonderful, with those modern lamps on it the look is perfect! Lisa


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