Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy 2012! I hope each of you had a joyous/meaningful Christmas. I missed blogging but it was nice to just focus on family.

We traveled to see our families. I'm not a road trip kind of girl. Love the destination, hate the traveling. As the doc says, I can take a 7 hour drive and turn it into 10.  Why do men want to drive without stopping?

On the way home, everyone but me wanted to do a marathon trip. Straight 16 hours of driving. Ugh! So at one of my stops, I grabbed a book on cd (did you know you can rent and return them at any Cracker Barrel?)
I didn't follow Harper Lee's advice. I was too tired for deep thinking and snatched something with the longest playing time to make the trip go faster. A Danielle Steel novel.  It helped.  No telling how many times I woke up and had to skip back to find my place.

Speaking of books, 2012 marks a new chapter in mine. How far away this year seemed 4 years ago!  The doc will graduate in May and we'll move on to the next chapter of our lives.
Where in the world will we end up?  We don't know. (somewhere in the U.S. or perhaps stay put.) Feels very strange to be waiting on a computer to decide our destination. It's called "the match" for those familiar with the residency process.  I would explain it but probably wouldn't do a proper job. It's complicated. 
The good thing is we know the Master Designer. Not only does He have a plan but He's the Author who writes the story of our lives. And that's the only way I am coping with the idea of moving again at this moment.

Jan. 23rd is the big day. We'll turn the computer on and sometime around 9 a.m. there will be a glorious little email.  Just like a good mystery, we'll read the title of our next chapter!
If I'm lucky, it will be full of romance, love and happy times. And I'm sure it will be because I choose books that make you dream.
All photos courtesy of Pinterest


  1. Tammy, wishing you well on this huge change to come! Whatever, where ever, being together is what makes it worth while, right! All the Best to you my Friend! Take good care! Hugs!

  2. Tammy, what an exciting way to begin the year! We relocated several times, before our kids were in middle school. It was always exciting to think of the possibilities!

  3. You already know this. God knows the BIG plan. He is Sovereign. He is Good. My prayers going up for you.
    Blessings, Audrey

  4. The Master Desinger is RIGHT! love it. He really will plunk you right down where you ought to be...He is good like that. I hope it is someplace where you feel very happy to be! Sounds very exciting.

  5. ooh that sounds very fun to me~I would love to be told I was going to destination_____________~! Filled with adventure and wonder, I know you will make it the best it can be!

  6. Tammy, I'd been wondering WHEN in January you would find out... Since you know God is already going before you, it's "easier" to trust, isn't it? Hang in there ... and dream about your next chapter. :-)

  7. It sounds like an exciting year ahead for you & your family. You seem to have the right attitude too. Good luck!

  8. I hope that Jan. 23rd will be your lucky day.

  9. How exciting. I know you will let us know where it is.

  10. I know it will be somewhere fabulous!! I know it has been a long road and finally the rainbows are appearing!

    Lou Cinda :)

  11. I know it will be somewhere fabulous!! I know it has been a long road and finally the rainbows are appearing!

    Lou Cinda :)

  12. Great post--yes similar theme to mine. I love your p. photos! good choices. And I understand what you are facing in May. May the Hand that guides those computer directives give you much peace in these coming days of not knowing. Happy New Year!

  13. Wow! That's pretty exciting! I'll look forward to hearing what you find out :)

  14. Hey Girl,
    Happy New Year. I'm excited to hear the news of where ya'll end up.
    Wowie, it would be cool if it's in Southern Calif.

    God bless your week.


  15. Tammy, I'm with you on the long road trips. Audio books are the only way to get through one of these as far as I'm concerned. I didn't know that about Cracker Barrel. Thanks! I also just learned that our library had downloadable audio or e books now. All good news!
    How exciting that the next chapter will soon be opening. ~ sarah

  16. Happy New Year!
    I can't wait to see how the next chapter in your life unfolds. Best wishes!


  17. Come to SoCal. We are in the high 80s today. Clear and wonderful weather. My hubby is the same and we call him the road Nazi but he has actually loosened up in recent years allowing for a little more of enjoying the journey.

  18. I wish you all the best! Think of it as an adventure!

    Hope the New Year is ringing in well for you!


  19. Scary, but exciting all at the same time. I did pharmaceutical sales for 20 years and called on FP and Peds residency programs, so I know the match well and how scared the new interns were...Yikkes, how exciting. Can't wait to hear!


  20. How exciting! You must be practically holding your breath waiting to see what will happen on the 23rd! The Master Planner has it all in store for you :)


  21. What an exciting time for you and your family. You'd have to remind me to breath, I'd be so preoccupied!

    I love to listen to books on tape too, not just on trips, but when I'm just running around town. But I stopped listening to them if I'm not driving cause I fall asleep too.

    Happy New Year and the best of luck on the 23rd!

  22. Good luck on the 23rd. I hope you end up somewhere you will love! Can't wait to find out.
    Marianne :)

  23. How exciting! You're right. The Master Designer knows EXACTLY where you need to be. He'll take any anxiety over the uncertainty and turn it into peace.
    And I'm with you about the books. Books that make you dream and allow you to escape! That's a good book for me. :) Didn't know that about renting from Cracker Barrel! I'll have to keep that in mind.

  24. Such a lovely, thought provoking post.

  25. I continue to help you pray for God's will to be done. The next chapter will be written by Him, the Master Planner. Remember "Tribulation worketh Patience." The next three weeks will be a trial, but something good is being worked into your lives.
    I love the image of the hounds-tooth chairs, they would fit into your house perfectly.
    Love and hugs to you today, my friend. Cindy

  26. Tammy -- what an adventure for you and your family! You have a great perspective -- it is in the hands of the ONE who knows best.

    For the record, I am a road-trip kind of gal - love them but we always do the books on cd thing too.

    Happy New Year!


  27. Happy New Year, Tammy! We always drive straight through on trips like that, too. Can't wait to see where you guys end up.

  28. Hey Tammy...before you know it January 24th will be here and you'll know what's happening. I have faith that it will be the perfect choice for you and your family. You seem to have the best attitude about everything. That's half the battle. Have a super weekend...hope your holidays were good.

  29. Great to know that about Cracker Barrell!! I live 2 miles from one. :) Best of luck on the new chapter in your life! Sounds like you have a great attitude about it. I'm excited for you!!

  30. It's wonderful to see your calm confidence in the One who is always in control, Tammy. I cannot wait to hear about it. Sounds like a year full of hope and fresh opportunities.
    Great tip on Cracker Barrel. I have one 10 minutes away.
    Much love,

  31. Oh my goodness sweet friend! I know this must be a stressful time for you! But you have such a wonderful attitude about it! BTW....I would love it if you stopped by my blog today because I am hosting an "Impossibility" challenge. Good luck on January 23.



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