Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Winner

The day is here.  Time for the giveaway.  We have professional style drawings around here.  It was fun and saved us $5 to not use the computer version.  Here's how it's done.

1.  Put names in a hat.
2.  Appoint a handsome Master of Drawing.
3.  Give the names a good stir.
 4.  Close eyes and pick.
 5.  Point to the lucky winner.

6.  Repeat step 5 by having big brother grab it from you to show how to point correctly. (note to self- make sure kids' fingernails are clean before taking a close up.)

And the winner is...Yvonne at Stonegable!  I can't think of a sweeter person to win. I think she's been following me since I first started blogging.  She's an extraordinaire photographer, chef and decorator.  Love her blog!  Congratulations Yvonne!
I wish I could give each of you a gift.  I love giving and I love my blogging friends.  Appreciate all who followed me from A Doctor in the House.  Beatrice Bank is currently at 1/2 of the following but I'm encouraged because it's only been up a week.  It was puzzling when some whom I thought were good friends didn't follow me over.  But I'm not crying over it because I've made so many wonderful new friends. That's how life is in general.  Every time I move (which has been plenty,) some friends are left behind, new friends are made along the way and true friends hang around forever. I'm grateful for ALL of my friends today.  I guess I really do have a gift for everyone today, my friendship. Thanks for hanging around!


  1. Spiderman rocks! Congratulations Yvonne!

  2. Oh my goodness! I am so excited! Please tell your little master of Drawing and his precise assistant that I said thank you so much for drawing my name! Oh, I love all the warm and wonderful goodies. Pumpkin, vanilla and recipes! What could be better! I am thrilled!!!!!!!
    Did you know your gift if traveling from one Doctors home to another?
    If you e-mail me I'll send you my address. I can't seem to find your email.
    Don't worry about people not following, I'm sure they all will and just think how many new friends you are going to make! You have a lovely blog and a beautiful spirit!
    Thank you so much, again!
    xo Yvonne


  3. What a little cutie!!

    Hooray for Yvonne! :-)


  4. I love you Tammy!!! I will always follow you wherever you may go.

  5. How precious he looks drawing the winner. Adorable!

    Congrats to Yvonne! She is a sweet lady and so are you. I'm glad we *met* in the big ole' land of blogs.

    Happy weekend to you all Tammy!
    ~Melissa :)

  6. Congrats to Yvonne! Your drawer is so cutie!...Christine

  7. Congrats to Yvonne!!! I'm so happy for her, kinda sad for the rest of us, though. Those were some wonderful gifts.
    Love ya, Cindy

  8. Your assistants were much better at it than was. So cute. Congrats to Yvonne on winning your great giveaway.

  9. Wasn't he just adorable?? And you can tell he's having a great time and feels so important!! Awww..!!! And congrats to Yvonne!

  10. glad Yvonne won!! She's such a sweetie so if it wasn't me :) then I'm glad she's the winner.

  11. that is the perfect way to do a giveaway!!
    congratulations to the winner!

  12. Hi,
    I'm happy Yvonne won. She is an inspiration to me. I love her blog and I just love your banner. Oh it is beautiful. Thank you so much for visiting My Cozy Corner.

  13. I am so happy to have found your blog. Thanks for joining my site. I have been reading some past posts and all are so interesting. I look forward to many more. Hugs, Marty

  14. Congrats to the winner. I love your way of coming up with a winner. Perhaps I will appoint my godson to help me if I ever host a giveaway.
    Have a great day,

  15. Congrats to Yvonne! What a wonderful win!

  16. What a cute little ticket picker!!! Lucky Yvonne!!

  17. Tammy, you and your assistants made this a fun & fabulous giveaway - uh, um...well...that is especially for Yvonne!!! Congratulations, Yvonne! Now with all of those goodies you now have, what would make it superb is if we could all appear on your doorstep for a blogging holiday dinner!! Since that won't be possible, enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving to you.


Thank you so much for taking time to comment! I love hearing from you!