Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas in Pink

Blue Print Magazine

A Christmas is pretty in pink.  
I enjoy browsing different color schemes for Christmas.  

Can you imagine being the photographer for these great magazines? I'm sure there's a ton of hard work but, oh the eye candy when you get the final results!

My favorite.  This makes me want a pink door.

Ms. Beverly at How Sweet the Sound asked us to post
our favorite movie for Pink Saturday.  
This will probably be a popular choice.  But it's my favorite classic.

Miracle on 34th St. 
Hoping that each and everyone of you will experience the miracle of Christmas this year!


  1. I am loving that pink. I would of never thought it as a Christmas color. Now I a loving it. This week I got to tour a house that was decorated so beautiful and every room, even the batroom was Christmas. It was amazing.

  2. So many pretty pink things in your pictures... the little pink feather tree... the pink door... such a fun color for Christmas!

    Thank you for reminding me us of our Christmas miracle!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  3. You posted such beautiful pink photos today. I can never get enough of Pink Saturdays. That is also one of my favorite movies too. Take care.

  4. I'm such a traditionalist. I like red and green, silver and gold. Boring ol' me! The ornament wreath is fabulous. I wonder if I could make one one red and green of course!

    (Don't get me wrong, I like pink, but in other forms!)

  5. BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE that movie! Happy Pink Saturday! Winona

  6. I have to say I adore the colorful wreath in the first picture. So many gorgeous colors. I've always loved green & purple so I see a wreath such as this one in my future! Thank you for the lovely photos!
    Licks & Wags, Niki

  7. All those pink things are pretty, but I love that first room. I've never seen that picture before, so thanks for sharing it with us. Happy (early) Pink Saturday.

  8. My grandma had a pink Christmas 50 years ago. It's fun to see her color scheme has caught on all these years later!
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  9. sigh....its all soooooo dreamy!!!!

  10. Love each and every pic you posted today! And that is a terrific holiday movie!!


    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  11. Oooh, such pretty pinkness! I loved each of the photos. I so want to have a room to do in pink for the holidays. I don't see it happening but, I can dream.

  12. HAPPY PS!
    Hi Tammy! Thanks for hopping by and leaving a comment on my pink purse! I have the image of the pink porch saved in one of my files! I love it too!
    The movie choice is awesome. Love the ending!
    Stay warm and cozy- Tete

  13. OH! This whole post made my heart skip a beat! All of that beautiful pink!!!!! I can not seem to get enough!
    A pink door... swoon!
    I loved the comment about "your" song! I love that... this is how I feel about you today" .
    Have a pretty day!

  14. What gorgeous pictures, I especially love that first one! Happy PS-
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Christmas bracelet giveaway

  15. I love that pink front door! I would paint mine just exactly like it if I knew my husband wouldn't divorce me for it! Marcia

  16. Your images are SO adorable, I love them every one! I could deal with Christmas in pink, but my poor hubby couldn't. One day I shall be like Carolyn Aikens in PEI, her blog is Aikens House and Gardens, she has a cottage on their property that she decorates so beautifully for Chrsitmas. I will be able to decorate it in pink if that is what my little heart desires. Hehehehe!!! These photos would be my inspiration. I know I'm dreaming, but I think I'm allowed to do that!
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  17. Btw, that would be my pick for Christmas movies, too!
    Love ya, cindy

  18. Hi ya Tammy,
    I heard of someone that was doing a off white tree with "hello kitty' ornaments and soft white lights.
    I like theme trees.
    The pictures are great that your shared.


  19. I wish someone would decorate everyroom for me in a different theme..that would be a Christmas wish for next year.. Loved the movie of Mircle on 34th St

  20. I love all those photos of knew I would. My favorite Christmas movie is "White Christmas" but I also love "A Muppet Christmas Carol" very much.

  21. Hi Beatrice,

    Nice to meet you! I love pink for Christmas! I love pink all the time. lol! Nice pics. I loved this movie too. Have a blessed holiday!


  22. The first picture is just dreamy! But I do love them all!


  23. What beauties you captured! Then the tear jerker!! Perfect way to end the day! Have a wonderful weekend!

  24. These pics are just sooooo pea-pinkin cute!


  25. I love all the photos but the one with the pink door is my favorite AND I love Miracle on 34th Street...brings back great childhood memories.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  26. Great pics-I think the first one is from a home where the girl(Jen)at Sweet Eye Candy Creations has a blog-wouldn't it be great to have such a great space-Happy PS!

  27. Love these pink images, they are absolutely dreamy!!

  28. Hi Tammy,

    Hope you are enjoying this holiday season. What a lovely Pink Saturday post. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  29. Yeah, that door is so cute! My one daughter that is still at home has a pinkly (is that a word?) decorated tree in her pink bedroom with a pink treeskirt. Hers is cute but not so classy like your photos.

  30. Love you PS post today! Thanaks for becoming a follower! Stop over again and enter again to win!


    COme see what's PINK today, my PINK CHRISTMAS DREAMS!

  31. Hi ! friend your blog is very good i was click and links your blog
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  32. You've chosen lovely pinks to share with us today. This is a beautiful post and I share your love of Miracle on 34th Street. It is right up there with my favorites. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

  33. I can't pick a favorite...They are all so wonderfully pink...I have already decided to ask Santa for a pink and white tree next yr :)

    Thank you for sharing such great inspirational photos.

    Blessings Kelsie

  34. Love all the pink that you shared in your ~Pink Saturday~ post!

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog!

    Have a great weekend!


  35. Oh such lovelies!

    Happy PS!
    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae @
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  36. Adorable Christmas pinks!...Christine

  37. Tammy thanks for commenting on my blog! I love yours! I need to watch Miracle on 34th Street this year! Totally forgot about that movie. Thanks for the reminder. =0)

  38. Oh the pink! Just makes me smile although I'm not sure why. A delighful blog and I'm so happy I found you.

  39. Thank you for your visit and sharing such a great Pink Saturday with us.

  40. That first picture is stunning. It's like being in a candy store, you couldn't help but be cheerful in that room. Miracle on 34th is a great movie. I haven't watched it yet, maybe I'll pop it in tonight! Happy Pink!

  41. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week for Pink Saturday! I love all of the pink holiday ideas. I have a pink christmas tree, which I am hoping to post about sometime this week, so I love to see other ideas that I can build upon. Thanks for sharing!

  42. Happy Pink Saturday. I have a white and pink tree that hasn't been put up in years. Maybe it's time to bring it out again :) It's snowing here this morning and everything looks so Christmasy. The photos you shared with us are beautiful. Thank you :)


Thank you so much for taking time to comment! I love hearing from you!