Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hats, Hats and More Hats

I want to send out thoughts and prayers to all those affected in the storms and tornadoes.  I heard this morning of a pastor who lost his wife and is undergoing back surgery.  How tragic that he's in such pain both physically and emotionally- one who is usually in the business of comforting others.  There are so many people suffering and experiencing the same kind of loss.  I have suffered losses in my life as I'm sure you have.  Grateful to God for the little things which make us smile. Life is so short, find some joy. (Thanks Gypsy Heart .)  To all the strong women who have endured pain, heartache and loss, this post is for you.  May you find the joy of something as simple as putting on a hat.  You know it makes you smile. My hat's off to you!


I love hats and always have.  This is me with my little girl over 18 years ago. 

Even though I enjoy wearing a hat, it kind of makes me feel like a spectacle.  If we lived in the UK, we could wear them with abandon!

Much has been said about the hats worn at the Royal Wedding, from the disastrous to the tasteful. 
I have chosen a few of my favorites. 

First up is the Queen.  She always wears the perfect hats.  Not too big, not too small. 
And take a look at the Queen Mary’s True Lovers Knot diamond brooch she wore. 
Guess what? Jillian of Bella Rosa Antiques has a beautiful brooch in her shop! You just might win it.
 Sweet Jillian is another sponsor in our $125 GiveawayShe was featured here. Follow her blog for another chance to win.  There's still time! 

 More pretty hats-
Autumn Kelly-

Lady Helen Taylor-
Miriam Gonzales Durantez-

Princess Michael of Kent-


Sophie Countess of Wessex-
Not crazy about the spider looking hat of Zara Phillips but loved her hairdo.

In the gentleman's corner- Mr. Middleton looking very dapper. 

Hats are pretty in decor too.  You might remember my feature on Annamarie's beautiful cottage. Here are a few of her hats.

Hats add glam.


Few women have ever been able to resist the temptation to try on a hat and discover in the mirror a person they never suspected was there.- Author unknown

Let's bring hats back to America!


  1. Wouldn't that be fun? Yes!

  2. I remember that my mom and aunt would never leave the house without their hat and their gloves!! Those were the days!

  3. My prayers are for everyone affected by the storms, too! And I agree...the hats were all so glamorous! I wore a hat today at the park...but I don't think my baseball cap counts! lol Hugs to you, my friend! ♥

  4. Dear B, thank goodness there are so many hats to be worn..some are just beautiful and others...well...I wouldnt give a nickle for some..I truly love the smaller style hats..not the over the top or some that are so wide and! The Princess of Kent's hat was so wide I dont know if she had to take up 2 seats to keep from hitting those next to her...
    Nice post..and I COULD wear hats if eveyone in USA did too! I'm a follower! LOL!

  5. I love that photo of you and your daughter!!
    I have loved hats since i was a little girl!
    I wear a black and white faux fur hat in the winter and i don't care who looks at me!

    Beautiful photos .

    Even as my husband and i struggle with our own hardships i told him today we have a lot to be grateful for as look at the devastation that storm has done to so many lives.

    Pamela xo

  6. Kate has certainly brought hats back in hasn't she..and just in time for Easter, love all the bonnets! ;D

  7. I like the hat worn by Princess Michael of Kent. It stylishly does what a hat is supposed to do: keep the sun out of your eyes. Too bad we don't embrace hats in this country.

  8. I loved your thoughts about women who have gone through pain in their lives! Very thoughtful during this hard time for many people. Seeing all the hats at the wedding was truly enjoyable!

  9. Many of the hats worn to the Royal Wedding were attractive... a few were not.

    The only time I wore a hat as an adult was to my brother-in-laws wedding and that was many years ago. I remember feeling special in it.

  10. I love hats and wish I could wear them more often. I love the grey hat worn at the Royal Wedding.


  11. I am all for that....I love hats!

  12. The photo of you and your daughter is precious and you are sweet to share it with us. My favorites are the pale pink straw (2 up from your photo) with the white flowers, and the bright pink one with flowers around the brim... I love LOVE hats!

    Have a wonderful week, mon amie!


  13. Loved all the hats and smiles. My heart goes out to all those affected by the devastation too.

  14. My hubby and I were in Biloxi, Bay St. Louis and other area of the Gulf Coast of MS in late Feb of this year. I salute the brave people of that area for ongoing rebuilding from Katrina of 6 years ago. Having just witnessed "still in progress" rebuilding and seeing the photos of Katrina, my heart and my head cannot wrap itself around the devastion from the tornadoes and the loss of precious life. Thank you for sharing your thoughts at the beginning of this post. I too love hats, grew up wearing them and gloves and heels. Yes, lets bring them back to USA. I do have to ask how some of those hats managed to stay on a head, but darn if those ladies did not carry off each and every hat with stunning grace. Ahh the English grace and charm.

  15. I love hats too. I wish we wore them here in US too even just on special occasions. The only time I wear hats is when I garden and even then, I forget most of the time. Well actually, I wore a hat when we were invited to a Kentucky Derby themed party....Christine

  16. Such pretty hats. I have a ball cap on now and have all day. It is my go to when doing yard work. Not very glamorous though.

  17. Thank you my friend! The photos are beautiful ~ and yes, I think hats are so refined and give a "finishing" touch. I don't think I've ever really found one that I look good in but if it were common to wear them, I'd find one! :-)

    Can you believe how well the Queen looks? She does not look her age and I seriously doubt she acts it. I think the yellow is very striking!

    Hope you have a wonderful week ~

  18. Wonderful, post! And a beautiful sentiment.

  19. Let's bring back hats and gloves, too! I love dressing up, way up! I love feeling like a Lady, with a capital "L", don't you? What sweet little hats and funny big hats some of those women wore, I would feel like such a spectacle in some of them. But each to their own, as they say.
    The photo of you and your pretty daughter is so sweet, I'm glad you showed it to us. You have always been such a pretty lady, a real lady in fact!
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  20. We used to make our Easter hats (or bonnets) ... all those flowered hats remind me of those days.
    I'd love to know the secret of those tilted hats staying atop the heads. Fun post!

  21. The photo of you and your daughter is so cute. I like hats but some of those hats at the Royal Wedding were way too weird.

  22. My mother wore a hat almost every Sunday to church ~ such a lady! I'd love to have the opportunity to wear hats more often.

    Such a sweet photo of you and your daughter :)


  23. Hats, I adore them, but I have a rather large head and look more like a bobble head with a bucket on it, then sophisticated!


  24. I'm with you, let's bring back hats. I'm brave enough to wear them but I also have a big head and hardly ever find one that fits.

    Thank you so much for your sentiments about the storms in the south. I live in north Alabama and I am OK but the devastation here is unbelievable.

  25. My dear friend,
    i hope you've had a great weekend.
    let's chat tomorrow, I have a update for you.

    i love hats. They can speak volumes about a personality if you wear the right one.

    Hugs, Viola

  26. Yes, it was fun checking out all the hats and fascinators at the Royal Wedding. Some were just perfect, while others were, erm, interesting. What a great post!


  27. I love hats! While watching the Royal Wedding that's all I kept saying was "I would so wear that hat right now if I could!" everytime I spied one I loved. Silly as some of them may be, I still love them.

  28. Thanks so much for posting this! I am attending a Kentucky Derby party on Saturday and need to create an over the top hat for the occasion! This is great inspiration!

  29. What a fun post! And thank you for the shout out... how neat! Me and the Queen! LOL.

    You picked out the nice ones...some were kind of scary. But if you lived in the UK it must be very COUTURE.

    Have a great day, Tammy! "Hats off" to you...

  30. Hey Tammy...Love the picture of you and your daughter! When I was a girl growing up my mom got me a hat to wear to church EVERY Easter. Brought back great memories...thanks! ~Ann

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. How wonderful it would be to live in England where we could wear brooches and hats! :)

    I love the pic of you and your daughter. My mother and I used to wear coordinating outfits too.


    (Yes I had to delete my first post b/c I misspelled my!)

  33. Hi Tammy, what a lovely picture of you and your daughter.... I just love this post, and I also love hats and have a nice little collection of them and when i go to estate sales I'm always looking for them!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  34. Dear Tammy,

    Audrey's hat is my favorite.

    Have a great day.

    Coastal Blue Ocean

  35. Oh yes, lets bring hats back in fashion in America. I remember when my Grandmother's and my Mom and Aunts wore hats. Beautiful post. Thank you so much, Karie

  36. One day years ago my friend Suzanne and I were out shopping - we stopped in the hat department and started trying on the most gorgeous, big, bold, colorful hats we could find. We looked, laughed and had one of the most glorius days - didn't buy a thing but what a memory. I plan to email her and remind her...Jennifer

  37. I posted the cover of the book "Crowns" on the blog for you to see. Jenn


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