Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm going away for a while.


Not quite Paris.  Wishing.

Just time to focus. 

I have to choose paint colors, flooring, etc. and negotiate in the process.  You know how these things go.  The house is 4 hours away so that means a lot of travel time.  Every spare moment needs to be spent packing up my current house.
I'm the type who veers off the path.  I can sit down to make a few blog comments and before I know it, hours have passed.

 I shall return...after I climb this mountain.  

 Wishing you the dreamiest and most delicious summer!


  1. B~...
    take all the time you need..
    these are VIP decisions..
    not to made lightly..
    once you are nicely settled.
    and relaxed enough..
    feeling the urge to communicate..
    we ALL will be waiting for your return..
    waiting for all the delicious details..
    warmest hugs..

  2. Take your time with those decisions they can't be made in a hurry or you would regret it! I'm like you I get on here just for a few minutes and then realize an hour has gone by:) Your on my blog list so I know I won't miss your return, you have a wonderful summer too~


  3. I've said this before but I so wish I was there to help you. Try to enjoy (at least a little bit) the decision-making process. Most important of all... take lots of pictures so we can see how it all came about! You've got your priorities straight. Just keep your eyes on the prize. I'll be thinking of you. ~Ann

  4. Wishing you only the best. Enjoy the break!

  5. Oh Tammy, what a journey you have ahead of you! We will miss you, so keep in touch, but don't lose your way while you get to your next stop.

  6. Oh my, where are you moving?? Sounds like you have some fun but difficult decisions coming up. Good luck!


  7. You have a lot on your plate. I hope you don't have to move again for a LONG time!! Take care, Tammy, and all the best.


  8. Tammy, I wish you well as you climb this mountain of decisions and tasks. You've a lot on your plate. I'll take these images and dream a bit. I know what you mean about time disappearing once one sits down to look at just a "few" blogs. LOL
    All the best ~ Sarah

  9. I will miss you Tammy, but I completely understand how it's difficult to juggle everything. Good luck with it all!

  10. Good luck!! I'm sure you will make great choices. :)

  11. Good luck! Have fun with it and have a wonderful summer, i will miss you!

  12. We'll miss you but can't wait to see what you have been up to! Have a great summer.

  13. Good luck, hope all goes well.

  14. Wishing you lots of joy in your pursuits...see you once you have climbed that mountain. Trish

  15. Good luck with your move and getting the house all ready. We will be here when you come back.

  16. You will be missed but I wish you all the best with your plans. Have a beautiful summer! Blessings, Pamela

  17. We shall be here upon your return. Enjoy the process.

  18. We'll be here when you get back, take all the time you need. Moving can be so stressful, and I'm sure it's even more stressful with the way the renters left your house. Take some time just for you, too. Can't wait to see what you chose when you come back.

  19. Go for it! May it all go well and you find moments of rest and great joy along the way and you go back to your old house. There will always be blogging (I think -- that is, I do wonder if this will go on forever!)


  20. Tammy, I know all about moving and building a new nest.....It is a huge, but fun and rewarding project!
    Enjoy all winding road and know we will be eagerly awaiting your return with pictures of your journey!

  21. Hello dear Tammy,
    All the best in your attempt to put your house back together, I will be praying for you.
    Love ya! Hugs, Cindy

  22. I know exactly what you mean about getting side tracked. Have fun getting everything in order. We will be awaiting your return.

  23. oh,what a view!!! wish i could seat beside this window to admire the this post!

  24. That's my life right now too Tammy!! I have a huge challange at work right now....a new computer system meanwhile renovating our daughter's house and babysitting for her too! I love to blog but the computer sucks me in for hours. I'll miss your beautiful posts...but good luck and we'll reconnect when we both surface from the!

  25. Are you trying to tell us some of these shades of purple will be in the new house?!
    Breathe and enjoy!

  26. Well this sounds like a great adventure. Just take one thing at a time and try to relax a little. We all wish you well and lots of happiness in your new place.
    Love all the purples.

  27. We'll miss you and will be looking forward to seeing what all you've been up to when you get back! :) Have a lovely summer, and good luck with your move - Hope all goes well!

  28. Tammy,
    Oh my...I sooooo understand! Good luck with your move and maybe when you return, I will have the wedding behind me and we both can get back to blogging more:) Have an awesome summer and I will talk to you soon.


  29. I can't wait to see it with everything in it!

  30. Good luck Tammy! Although you'll be busy, try to enjoy the summer a little too. We'll be here waiting for you when you get back.

  31. We will be here waiting for you to return. Good luck on all your decisions. The photos are lovely.

  32. Good luck with all the decisions you will be making and can't wait to see what you come up with. Love all the beautiful pictures you have shown!
    hugs~~ Daphne

  33. Take care and God Bless. I know you will be busy but you you will do a great job of everything. Remember to rely on God when the going gets tough.

    Lisa @ Lesapea xx

  34. You'll be missed but I understand how time goes by so quickly while blogging. I can sure get lost in pictures like these.
    Much love!

  35. Girl! You are going to be dearlay missed. What a plate to fill, have fun! Wish I were there to paint fo ryou.
    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  36. Hi Tammy,
    I'm going to miss you but will be here when you return. Good luck with your house...everything will work out great. And I just love the beautiful purple pictures.
    Marianne :)

  37. I will miss you but I will see you when you are back! Have a productive summer and take time for yourself.

  38. Gorgeous pictures, girlfriend! Enjoy the process, take your time, we'll be here when you get back. I recently took a year off from my blog, and I have been enjoying visiting my old friends and making new ones-like you!

  39. Good luck and we'll see you when you get back.
    Take care,

  40. Wishing you all the best.. have a nice break!!with the warmest regards,mini

  41. I completely understand! This is a whole world where times just flies! These are absolutely gorgeous images, hugs from England - Glenda xxx

  42. We will be looking forward to your return.Enjoy your house!

  43. I hope your hiatus for decision-making and regrouping is going well! Praying for you... See you when you return!

  44. Your're going just as I arrive? What timing! Seriously, I can catch up on all your lovely posts while you're away.

  45. Have a great time! THANKS for stopping by my place and leaving such a sweet comment:)

  46. Yep, me too Tammy! Busy summer! Blogging takes a back seat to everyday living. I hate to see the summer fly by so quickly though...-sigh-

  47. Enjoy this special time. We will be waiting for you. Hugs, Ginger

  48. 07/21/11 Just thinking of you today and hoping your climb is near the top!

  49. Hi Sweetie...
    Just wanted to pop by and let you know I was thinking of you this morning. I hope and pray that everything is well with you today and that you are almost to the top of the giant mountain you are climbing. I am right there with you.

    Many hugs and SO much love sweetie, Sherry

  50. I'm thinking of you too, Tammy, and admiring your dedication to other things in your life. Hope all is well. :)

  51. Well, You have a lot on your plate. In second photograph, I noticed one thing that, Lavender is best colour of every occasions. Spring is such a beautiful time to take photographs of awesome nature colours.
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  52. Missing your gorgeous posts, Tammy. Just thought I'd stop by again to let you know. In the meantime, I think I'll look around your archives.
    Much love!

  53. Such lovely photos. Enjoy the climb on your hiatus.

  54. I LOVE your blog! So very charming! Will be back often!


  55. Tammy,
    Just thought I would check in on you...hope all is going well with you and hope to see ya back soon:)


  56. Hi Tammy Sweetie...
    Just had to pop by and see if you were out and about yet. I so miss blogging with you. You inspire me, and I have missed that horribly. I hope you are almost to the top of your mountain. Hugs, hugs and more hugs coming your way.

    This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  57. Miss you! Hope you come home for the Holidays!

  58. Hey Tammy! I was just thinking about you and hoping all was going well with you and your family! take care! Hugs, Diann :)


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