Monday, June 13, 2011

Who Gives a Hoot ?

Do you remember owl decor in the 70's?  I do. We had a few in our house including an owl bank which sat on my dresser as a kid.  They're back and I'm loving them all the same.
I found this brown one in Goodwill the other day.  It's probably as old as me.  I'm vintage.

For $2 and a can of white spray paint, it's now hip.
It needs another coat of paint but I'm not sure if I want to leave it white.
Posting to Mod Mix Monday @Mod Vintage Life 

Remember the purse?

I'm not old, I'm just wise!


  1. These are so cute and they were very big in the 70's.


  2. Funny isn't it, how things come back!

  3. I'm vintage, too, so I remember the owl craze. I had a few, but I remember my owl pin cushion the most. It was ceramic with a little stuffed tuft of velvet at his claws that held the pins. Memories are made of this!!!

  4. My Mom was big into owls in the 70' was all owl all the time around our house! I think she might have one left! LOL! (*_*)

  5. My daughter just loves owls. I have been doing her room in them and finding the cutest things to go in there.

  6. I remember them well. It was a shock to me when they started popping up everywhere. Must admit that I like them again.

  7. LOL love them too...I will have to keep my eyes open for them! ;D

  8. Hi B.
    I just blogged about my latest owl creation! Mine are a little more child-like and rustic you might sAY. Love your owls ! I like the one you painted white... looks sweet like that, or you could dry-brush on a little copper paint to bring out more on the texture. either way it is an owl to treasure now. I know they are good luck charm

  9. Oh yeah, owls and mushrooms were so big in the 70's. I had some of both. But, I don't think I'll get on that bandwagon this time around. Although I do like the aqua green one. He's cute. :-) Pamela

  10. I almost snagged an owl statuary for my garden. I forgot how popular they were in the 70s. Definitely need to check the thrift for one. Love your little purse! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Cute! My grandmother loved owls and had a large collection of them. Not sure what happened to the collection after she passed away.

    ~ Tracy

  12. I think I HAD that purse! heehee! Love cute owls and it's fun to see them popular again! I just made a bag with purple fabric...and OWLS! It came out so cute! ♥

  13. love the owl you cute!!! i really need to start looking for one myself...they are quite charming.

  14. I love owls too (and mushrooms). Everything always ends up coming around again.

  15. You are wise! My aunt's whole house was "owl-ish" back when I was little (the 80s). Needless to say, only one tiny shelves of owls remain today. They are cute, though!


  16. How wonderful that you join this wonderful party too!!! It's so fun to party together with my sweet friend!
    I have to be honest, I really never did like owls or mushrooms, either, they didn't do anything for me in the '70's and they still aren't. Your owl looks very cute painted white, though.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  17. Tammy, I was smiling all the way through this one. Yes, I fondly remember the owl craze of the 70s. I was a Chi O! Had that little Collins box bag in black and have kicked myself repeatedly for letting it go to Goodwill when we moved the last time. :-(
    ~ Sarah

  18. I remember the 70's and owls. The paint helped the brown one a lot. I love the chubby green one. Visiting from Nita's. ♥olive

  19. I sure remember them too! I'd love to find a white owl cookie jar, yours looks great painted white!


  20. Hee! hee! What a difference a coat of white makes! By the way, have you seen the owl necklaces all the hipsters are wearing these days?

  21. Oh gosh yes, I had a brown owl picture, the same one everyone had...I love the white owl! Or should I say the owl painted white


  22. Oh that stuff is soooooo cute! I think your vintage owl came straight from my Mom's living room 20-25 years ago. :)

    I'm starting a Linky party on Mondays called "Make a List Monday". If you miss a Monday, just come on over Tues or Wed. I'd love to have you! :)


  23. So love owls myself! I found a fantastic owl pin at TJ Maxx and thought I would make it into a necklace. Love your owl find from the GW! I love the bright green owl, so maybe you should give yours some color!

    Just found your blog and I'm so excited to see more!

    Now following!


  24. Oh Tammy you are the one who's a hoot! Love this post. I think the way you sprayed yours was genious. Make sure and pack it carefully so nothing happens to it during your move! Enjoy the rest of your week...~Ann

  25. Oh!! I remember and I collected owls from the late 70's to early 80's!

  26. I remember my grandma in love with owls back in the day. She bought every Home Interiors owl picture they had.

  27. I had forgotten all about the owls. I love the white one that you was so ugly before. They all look very nice though.

  28. My brother would die if he heard you say that about owls coming back! When his wife moved into his home he didn't know but she collected owls!!!
    She made an entire room an owl room! She had everything poor brother!!

  29. HEY....That's MY line. :)))

  30. White spray paint livens everything up. It looks great!

    I love owls and have a bunch. We had them around our house in the 70's too. I especially love the retro owl jewelry!

  31. Doesn't that owl look so much better painted white? But then almost everything does! I love it and I very much remember the owl and mushroom craze from when we were kids. Thanks for linking up at Mod Mix Monday!

  32. Your spray painted owl looks marvelous!! I'd totally leave it white.


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