Don't you love when a homework project is sent home? What that really means is, YOU, my dear, have homework. My pre-K son came home with this one. I used it myself when teaching kindergarten. (It's alright to assign a project when it's cute.)
There never seems to be much to do for kids on Thanksgiving Day. Why not pull out a craft? This would be a great one for the kids who come to your Thanksgiving Dinner.
"A Turkey in Disguise"
Objecitve: Make a costume for Mr. Turkey. He wants to disguise himself so he's not eaten on Thanksgiving.
1.Start with a simple outline of a turkey. I like using card stock for thickness.
2. Have an assortment of crafts. Hobby Lobby had Christmas crafts 50% off last week. Maybe they'll do it again.
3. Make patterns for costume to be cut out on felt. As soon as the word "costume" was mentioned, Prince O shouted "Batman!" Too late. Mom already bought Santa stuff.
4. Dress him up anyway you like. We used white feathers instead of fur assuming Mr. Turkey bleached some of his own. The plan was to put cotton on the beard but this turkey pattern was too small. My rule of thumb- the younger the crowd, the larger the pattern.
5. Be clever. We decided to leave Mr. Turkey's feet showing so there's still a hint of his identity. And the sign he's carrying might just be another clue!
Have prizes for the most creative, funniest, etc. Maybe the winner could get a Chick Fil A gift card!
Happy Thanksgiving Crafting!
Posting to:
Making Monday Marvelous @C.R.A.F.T.
Making the World Cuter Monday
Market Yourself Monday @Sumo's Sweet Stuff
Mad Skills @Mad in Crafts
Motivate Me Monday@Keeping It Simple
767th Inspire Me Tuesday
1 day ago
Wonderful! I am going to suggest to my daughter that she check this out. She is a home schooler.
You are so creative, my friend!
Hugs, Cindy
That was so cute. I won't be around any little ones this Thanksgiving so I copied & pasted it to my two daughters in law. Thanks a lot.
What a cute craft for Thanksgiving! I'll have to make that with my little Kindergartener! She loves to do crafts and since I homeschool her, I'm always looking for activities to keep her busy!!! I use to teach, too! (first grade).
That is the cutest idea! I love it and if we were having it this year I would for sure do it! ;D
too cute... I may get to use this when we have company over. My boys are all grown up.
Cute, cute idea for keeping the grandkids busy on the T day...thankyou!!!
Cute, cute idea for keeping the grandkids busy on the T day...thankyou!!!
I like it!
It brings back such memories of the "school project." The visions of my work (I meant, my children's work) are flowing through my mind.
Sometimes it was a pain, but the finished project was a celebration for the entire family. Thanksfully, my daughters are artistic and LOVED doing them.
My help isn't needed much now. The youngest is 10.
This is adorable and would make a great play group activity. Your son is lucky to have such a crafty son who can help whip up an amazing project at the last minute. I hope you get an A!
Beatrice, your blog is wonderful! I'm going to add a link to it on my site, Fun with Boxes, Cardboard Crafts for Kids. Also on a couple of tie-in crafts sites at the same location.
I love your approach to parenting. Kids don't need more Stuff. They need our time, and crafts for kids is one way to spend that precious time with them (not to mention save money in the process). Bless you.
Well, I have no wee ones around to do this with. I think I'll tuck it away into my "grandmother hope chest" for future grandchildren to enjoy with me.
I always loved doing crafts with the boys and also seeing what they'd bring home from school. And I have many of those object d' arts put away in boxes. Just can't seem to let them go.
Super cute! You are so right about homework! Glad this was a fun assignment!
Happy to follow along with you :)
That is so adorable.
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