Welcome back to Annamarie's home.
Lace. Ruffles. Treasures. Tulle. Roses. Pearls. Vintage goodness.
Are you ready to continue on this romantic journey?
If you missed the first two parts of the tour, go here and here.
It's time to meet the pretty lady...
Annamarie and husband Ralph |
So for all of you who didn't think a man could live there, think again. Aren't they a beautiful couple?
Here are quoted texts by Annamarie to me, because like you, I wondered. I wondered a lot of things and she always was gracious and funny with her answers.
"My sister Mary and I used to own a cottage store in Florida, it was our dream after our mom passed away. Our store and my home were featured in Country Living Magazine in the April 2006 issue, "Rose Patterned Home Decor." The co-editor, Jane Dagmi, came to my home and shop. It was so exciting. "
"I now live in North Carolina. This is my dream world. There is so much more, even other bathrooms and another bedroom."
"Yes, I'm a neat freak and I don't stop cleaning! But I love it. However, I do use my house. I entertain all the time, love to have tea parties, bbq's and dinner parties."
"I know so many people ask how does your husband live in this house. He thinks it's romantic, like a bed and breakfast! His motto is happy wife, happy life!"
"I just love all the comments! I love living in our shabby chic home and all the beautiful people in it."
Finally, the most anticipate answer. Will she have a blog? "You make it look so easy, maybe one day soon I will start one." (She's the one who makes it look easy with all these pretty photos.) You can check out her Ebay shop, Bocarose.
Posting to-
Show and Tell at
My Romantic Home
Pink Saturday at How
Sweet the Sound
Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
The House in the Roses
Wow Us Wednesday at
Savvy Southern Style
Vintage Inspiration Friday at
Common Ground We will read your blog, dear Annamarie. Just let us know when.
On another note, to show my gratitude and celebrate my blogging friends, Beatrice Banks will host a giveaway. $125! Come back next Friday for details!