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Happy Birthday Beatrice
I did not intend to post this today but... had a little bad news last night so I was up early this morning trying to figure things out. Well, let's be honest, blogging is a great escape. While surfing through your lovely blogs, I was cheered by all of the Christmas posts. It's such a beautiful time of the year for families. Then I glanced at the date. Dec 18th. Today is my grandmother Beatrice's birthday. She's celebrating in heaven. I thought about my little troubles compared to the hardships she endured. I'm so blessed. Furthermore, she knew who to give her troubles to. There will be no complaining from me this Christmas. I'm going to let Him handle this one.
Happy Birthday Beatrice!
Country Living |
We can't help but be sad missing the ones we matter how much time passes! But we do get comfort if we ask! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend! ♥
Good morning, Tammy. I pray God's comfort and peace over you and joy in the face of adversity. {{{hugs}}} from Colorado.
Aww love the photo of your Grandma! I hope she has a wonderful celebration in heaven. Wishing you a wonderful and Merry Christmas!
p.s. happy birthday grandma Beatrice!
I'm sorry to hear you received some bad news...I pray that God pulls you close during this stressful time. Just remember, you can get through anything with him on your side! :)
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You :-)
Tammy, thinking of you ~ you are right we must not let our joy be robbed during this special time of the year. Your grandmother picture tells all - her face let us know what was inside her heart. Thanks for sharing.
She was a sweet grandmother! We are blessed granddaughters! Love you. Have a wun-erful weekend!!
What a sweet post about your grandma but I'm sorry for a life hiccup. I hate it when they happen.
Good Morning Beatrice, I am so glad to read you found cheer in all the lovely Christmas posts out there and more importantly that you will be giving that "issue" over to him who made you and not let it spoil the celebration of his son's birth...What a wise and wonderful woman you are...I love the photo of your Grandmother, a lovely way to remember her on her birthday.
Blessings and Prayers Kelsie
I enjoyed the picture of your grandmother and am sure she is having a Happy Birthday in heaven!!
I am sorry for your problem that woke you early, but you are wise to give it to Him to solve. That has worked for me many times and it is hard to do as we are used to being the problem solvers, but sometimes we just have to let go and let God.
Merry Christmas....
Thats a great pic of your grandmother! Blogland is a place of comfort to be sure. xxoo
What a lovely picture of your grandmother. She has such a sweet smile there. We all need to remember to blindly trust but it is hard to do sometimes.
Christmas, more than anytime of year, reminds us of those who are no longer here with us. Remembering & acknowledging are comforting.
Your grandmother must have been a very special lady. I am so sorry about your bad news. I hope all goes well. You have such a great,positive attitude!
Happy Birthday to Beatrice. I'm glad her memory could make a difficult day a little easier. And it sounds like you'll give the problem to who can really help!
Thinking of you,
Happy birthday to your wonderful grandmother! I have had an extraordinary visit with you today. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful decorations in your home and through some of my favorite magazines. You've turned your problems over to the one who can help you. May God richly bless you.
Yes, life is full of those moments but the love and joy of life always can win out! She is a beautiful woman..HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Heaven to her! :D
Funny how things gather in similarity sometimes...the last 2 blogs I just read, "Blondies Journal" and "the Company She Keeps" both just lost father's this week. I wrote to both of them that they must have very special father's to have the Lord ask them homeat this time of year to celebrate Christ's birth in Heaven! Can you imagine what an amazing event THAT must be?? We are the sad ones here missing our loved ones but they are rejoycing knowing how relatively short a time we are joining them.
Hugs for you as you remember and rejoyce in Christ's birthday!!!
Happy birthday to your gradma in heaven, Tammy. I love the country dining room!...Christine
ooops, I meant grandma. Merry Christmas to you and your family!..Christine
It's okay to be sad, just remember who to give the sadness too when it's too much for you to handle. I have amazing, wonderful memories of my grandma too. Keep those memories alive! Hugs!
Yes, we need to remember to give it all up to HIM
Nothing wrong with country living. However, I do not wish to got back to the days of my country living.
There were some good times and not so good. That is true even today.
Hope things come together or work out soon--and you get wisdom and insight as to how things should go ... from on High.
I loved your thoughts. I have decided that when I put faith in God I don't have to let others or things decrease my happiness. I think we all need that reminder. Perfect Christmas thought. Lovely photo of Beatrice, and a special remembrance for her.
Aww Tammy - I hope everything will come out right for you. How sweet to remember your Grandma and a nice tribute. Blessings, Nancy
Hello Tammy and Happy Pink Saturday. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your pink post this week, so sorry about your troubles, sweet picture of your Aunt and I wish you peace! Love that picture from CL, just simple but says so much! Love it!
Holiday Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
awwwwwwwww....she looks a lot like my grandma did and she too was a truly godly woman! how blessed to have that kind of heritage.
What a blessing to have a heritage of such a Godly woman in your life. I was just telling a friend today that although my Grandma has been gone now for almost 18 years, I still think of her daily.
I hope all works out well!!!! That was a nice tribute to your Grandmother...Have a blessed Christmas.
A very sweet tribute to your grandma. I think our grandparents lived im much different times than we do. Nice that you have good memories and respect for her. I loved mine dearly, too.
Blessings to you,
Yes, we can cast all our cares on Him, because He cares for us. The battle is the Lord's. Merry Christmas!
Hey Tammy,
Your right no sense in figuring out the troubles, God wants us to hand it over to him. He will take over.
I'm sorry whatever it is that is bothersome. Prayers going out your way.
Hugs, Viola
You go to the right place - so I know you will be fine!! Your grandmother was a lovely lady... and she is most definitely celebrating in heaven!
Blessings for good new to now come your way! Am follow along with you!
PS Please be sure to enter my GIVEAWAY! The winner will be chosen tomorrow morning!
Blessings for you, Tammy. Although I know about "turning it over" it seems to be a lesson I need to relearn time and again.
You are in my thoughts and prayers, mon amie,
treasures said...
Happy birthday to your grandmother. It is great that you named your blog after her. She must have been a wonderful lady.
Hope you're doing better.
~ Julie
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