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I'm celebrating 600+ following friends! Sometimes blogging can be a love/hate relationship. Can't live with it and cant' live without it. Either time or inspiration lacks momentarily and we all think of quitting, or at least a lot of us do. But we keep blogging because it's fun.
I am so very grateful for all the wonderful friends I've met. Your words of encouragement, creativity and ingenious posts are such a great source of inspiration.
So with gratitude...
It's a $125 shopping spree provided by me and 5 other awesome and kind sponsors!
1. $25 Ebay gift certificate from Beatrice Banks
2. $20 gift certificate from Burlap and Blue
3. $20 gift certificate from Cards by Carla
4. $20 gift certificate from Raggy Girl Vintage
5. $20 gift certificate from Cotton Breeze
6. $20 gift certificate from Bella Rosa Antiques
These shops have fabulous stuff! Check them out by clicking on the above highlighted names.
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It has become increasingly difficult to keep up with everyone. At one point, I kept all of my followers on the sidebar and would visit daily. Now I randomly choose a few to visit each day along with those who visit me. I don't like it but, it's a time factor. I've learned, "The lack of commenting is not the lack of interest." I'd like to hear your ideas on this or another great blogging tip.
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How To Enter
1. Leave a comment letting me know you are a follower of Beatrice Banks .
There are 7 other ways to increase your chances of winning!
Choose as many or as few as you'd like but leave a separate comment for each action.
( Feel free to come back and add as you please.)
2. In one sentence, give the best blogging tip you've received or learned.
3. Copy and paste giveaway button on your sidebar and/or post about giveaway on your blog.

Be a follower of:
4. Burlap and Blue
5. Paper Pastorale
6. Raggy Girl Vintage
7. Til Death Do Us Part
8. Bella Rosa Antiques
April 30th is the last day to enter.
Winner will be announced May 4th.
Winner from outside of the U.S. will be responsible for extra shipping.
Shipping costs are at the discretion of sponsors and may or may not be included in the gift certificate.
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Happy Spring!
1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»You are so sweet & I thank you for your blogging inspiration this week. Love the giveaway! Karen
This is such a fun giveaway, Tammy!! I agree with you on the blogging...lack of commenting is not lack of interest...I always visit those that visit me and then I do my best to follow my blogroll. Some days I have more time than others!!
You know I am a follower!
Hi Tammy, What a nice giveaway you and your friends are sponsoring. As a follower of yours, put me in! :)
I sympathize with you regarding being able to visit blogs. I've read a few other posts lately on this subject, and we all seem to attempt a happy balance when it comes to reading and commenting.
I'm happy to have my bloggy friends and to visit when I can. We should all take the pressure off of ourselves, except for those days when we're in the mood for a blogging frenzy. :)
Oh, my, what wonderful giveaways!! I am a follower, albeit I don't comment much, bad Marsha!!
Hi Tammy!
Congrats on your giveaway! Lovely!
Blogging is a love/hate relationship. I find it difficult to constantly comment on all the blogs i follow plus i constantly find new ones! For the most part i visit everyone in the morning and then go back and comment. It is so time consuming and at times annoys the heck out of my husband!
I still haven't figured out how all of you email me with my comment inclosed? I asked a friend blogger who lives in the next town hoping she could show me in person but she is stumped about it too! Sometimes i feel like the blogging idiot!!
The greatest blogging tip? Comment comment comment lol !
I'm a happy follower!
Pamela xo
Blogging advice
Your blog is an extension of you, be yourself, don't try to emulate (is that the right word?!? LOL) other blogs!
I am a longtime follower of Bella Rosa Antiques!
Posted on my sidebar (left hand side) :)
Hi Tammy!
I just think you're the best! You are truly a genuine and sweet blogger. I feel bad that I can't keep up with everyone. I try to follow my blog roll and do the same as you. It's not a lack of interest or popularity contest. I truly love all the blogs I follow. There is the time factor and the fact that my family needs me now and then :)
You know I'm a follower :) Thanks for the chance to win! Great giveaway!
p.s.. Best blogging tip...hmmmm I don't really have one but I think it's important to be yourself!
I added your giveaway to my sidebar!
I'm a happy follower! Awesome giveaway!! Congrats on 600+ followers.
Hi Tammy...I am of course a follower. :o) I need to think about the best blogging tip so I'll come back to do that. I'll post your button on my side bar when I get home. I shouldn't be blogging at work but I am eating my lunch so I hopped on. I'll let you know when I get your button posted. This was a great post as usual. Very thought-provoking. ~Ann
I'm a follower!
Hey girl, congrats to 600+. The more followers you get the harder it is too keep up with everyone. Time is of the essence here! I get frustrated a lot, but then I get a nice email or read a great post and I'm glad I'm still here. This morning I got up early to do some blog visits-sometimes it is the only way to keep up. Cheers
You know me... I am a happy follower!
I included your giveaway button on curlywillowdiy.blogspot.com!
I am now following your friends, except Bella Rose Antiques didn't have a follow button.
I am a follower!
My best blogging tip is to try to comment at least once a month on everyone I follow- I will do more if I can but I can't keep up some days and I like people to know I am still out there watching them!
I am a follower! Congrats on 600+!
The best blogging tip I have gotten is to always respond to comments. It is very important to respond. I try to thank everyone but sometimes it is hard to keep track!
Hello Tammy,
WOW...now this is one awesome giveaway and as you know...I'm a happy follower:)
Wow! So generous of all you wonderful ladies! Fingers crossed!
My tip or maybe I should say advice is about linky parties. When someone attends (links up) to a party...always speak (comment) to the hostess...I don't dare go to a party (in person) and not speak to the host or hostess...just sayin'!!! I just think that some people are so busy, that they just really don't think about (I sure hope...that's the case).
I'm a follower! A very HAPPY follower!
How lovely, congrats on reaching 600 followers.
Lisa @ Lesapea xx
Bella Rose Antiques, I follow.
Lisa @ Lesapea xx
The blog tip from me is to always back up my blog files from time to time so that I do not lose everything, should my computer ever has a virus.
Lisa @ Lesapea xx
I just love you and the way you blog. My tip is..."Be yourself, everyone else is taken!" ;D
Hi Tammy
Woo Hoo love this great giveaway my friend! So glad that I've found you - you are inspiring. I've been a follower for quite some time and LOVE it!
Best tip I've ever rec'd is blog for yourself. You don't have to return every comment if you don't have time. Write the content for yourself you don't have to please every one. Read what you like and comment only if you want to.
Just added your button to my sidebar!
I am a new follower of yours. I'm from South Carolina and I've only been blogging just a few months but I'm addicted. I don't really have any tips other than to keep the blog backed up. The other day, all of my comments that I had worked so hard to get just disappeared! Lordy, what a panic I was in until my sweet step-son fixed it for me. Thanks for this giveaway.I'll visit all the sponsors.
Raggy Girl Vintage, I follow.
Lisa @ Lesapea xx
I also am a follower and your blog is so colorful and fun to visit its no wonder you have so many followers. I understand what you are saying about blogging. I love to visit my favorites--I feel like I'm checking in with my friends, but sometimes it takes more time than I have. But when I do I can easily let the time pass as I lose myself in the blogs. And there are more and more good ones to visit. So, we just do what we can. I tend to comment if it can be done quickly especially if something touches me, but we have to know that no commenting does not mean no reading--or interest! Have fun with your give away! (I am also posting less often and I think others are too.)
I'm a follower.
Best tip was to not let it overtake real life. That came from hubby...lol...
Hi Tammy! I think that the best blog tip is just to be yourself! If you don't feel like blogging, take a break. Blogging should always be fun!
I learned how to add buttons finally!! So I have added yours!!
Okay!! I was already following but just now posted your Give-a-Way button on my TWO HAPPY Blog http://beaver-kerrie.blogspot.com Thanks!!
Forgot to say, Blogging Tip: Don't try to copy or keep up with the glitzzy blogs with all the sparkle and animation. Just blog about what you love and you will find others with like interests will find and appreciate your blog!
Tammy what an incredibly generous giveaway! Thank you very much for the opportunity to win it. You are so very kind to us.
Warmly, ~Melissa :)
That is great, Tammy! That you've reached that point AND the giveaway. Time is a real restraint. Especially if you still have children at home. You just do what you can and try not to worry about the rest, is my tip!
I follow BB and love all your wonderful inspiration...that's my favorite blogging tip...inspiration!!
Hi Tammy, I just wanted to pop over and visit your blog....it is gorgeous...I love all the colorful photos! I have just started blogging, so I don't really have any tips. I try to keep "to thine own self be true" in mind, though. I am happy to follow your blog. The giveaway is amazing...no need to enter my name in the draw...shipping to Canada is a little costly with customs and taxes- thanks anyway!
I can't always visit with a friend but love to when possible. Same with blogs. Many times I check in without commenting. So, drop in when you can and I'll do the same.
I am so happy you stopped by so that I could find my way back to your blog! Yes, Tyler during the Azalea Trails rates a bucket list placement. LOL! Lufkin is only a hop and a skip away. We'd love for you to come join us! But, I hear Georgia is pretty special, too. Blessings ~ tanna
treasures said...
Hi Tammy, What a wonderful and unbelievable giveaway! Thanks so much! I look forward to visiting the other shops as well.
I am a follower. I appreciate that you have tried to keep up with all of your followers . . . I'm impressed. I understand and know it's impossible.
Whenever I visit your blog, I am touched by your kind spirit. Thanks so much!
~ Julie
treasures said...
#2 ~ a blogging tip: If you want a friend, be a friend.
Thanks again for the great giveaway!
~ Julie
treasures said...
#3 just added your giveaway to my side bar.
Congrats on 600+ followers!
~ Julie
I am backing off too!
Blogging was consuming my life, I was getting nothing done! :-)
Now I try to visit as many as I can but don't comment as much as I used to!
Love your give away!
I'm a follower and always enjoy your posts!
Added your giveaway to my sidebar!
Here's my tip...blogging should be fun not a chore:)
Hi Beatrice! I am following you! Well, not in a stalkerish kind of way.....lol. I love your blog! I added the others and can't wait to start shopping and checking things out! Congrats on 6,000! Wow!Very nice!
That is such a nice giveaway. I am your follower. Thank you.
This is such a wonderful giveaway!I'm a happy follower. I'll be back tomorrow to leave a blogging tip and check out those sites-it's 12:30 and I have no idea why I'm still up.
Ok,I added all the shops to my side bar. I didn't see one for Bella Rosa Antiques so I made one by copying and pasting her logo. Well, I stopped in for a visit and bought an art piece.I stayed so long it's way past my bed time. I will take a look at the other shops and see what others treats I can find tomorrow! Thank you for introducing me!
Congrats on 600 +!!
Yes, I would love to be entered!!
You know I am a follower!!
Best blogging tip was Word Free Verification and I have a link on how to do it on my sidebar!!
I also follow Bella Rosa Antiques!
I am a follower and know what you mean about not being able to keep up and I only have 200 followers. It is a time-consuming hobby, but one I do love. Sometimes we just have to step back for a little while and realize we can't be everything to everyone all the time.
I'm a follower ( even before giveaway) Enjoy your blog very much.
Best blog tip - don't use word verification for comments.
Love your blog and have been a follower. Great give-away, fingers crossed!
Mt best hint about bloggging. Ask your readers for input (questions).
Wow! What an incredible giveaway! The best blogging tip I've read is to just remember why you started blogging. I think it's so easy to get wrapped up in your numbers, that you start chasing something you didn't even want in the first place. Every now and again, I have to remind myself that I went in saying, "I don't care if nobody ever reads me, this is just a place for me to share what I'm up to."
Oh, and I'm a follower, too. Have been for awhile, because I love all the inspiring pics you post.
Super fabulous generous giveaway!
You know I Follow you already.. and Bella Rosa..
Will follow the rest!
ps.. putting up your button!
I'm your 624th Follower and I got here thru Pink Saturday#1, as I'm joining PS for the first time.
Hey Tammy...I have your give away on my side bar. In one sentence I would say that my best tip is to not give up when your blog becomes overwhelming. Take a break...and then try again. (I guess that's 2 sentences. Sorry!)
Thank you for you for stopping by and your kinds words. It's so nice to meet you. Your blog is simply lovely and I too will be following along.
Have a wonderful weekend ~
Hi Tammy - I'm a follower. Congrats on achieving 600!
What a great contest....I have become a follower. This my second visit to your blog and I do enjoy it. I'll be right back to share a blog post that as an artist I appreciated!
I'm back!!!! This is great information. If you read it and you enjoyed it please let me know!
Please visit me at: http://sunshinelollipopsandbutterflies.blogspot.com
I'm a follower, always have been!
Hugs, Cindy
I put your lovely button on the side of my blog!
That's two.
Hugs, Cindy
Hello my friend,
This is a great giveaway! I really hope I win.
I think you are wise to pick and choose where you comment each day instead of killing yourself over your blog. You have some very loyal followers, do your best and leave the rest.
The best blogging tip I ever received was "make your photos as large as possible."
That's three!
Love and hugs, Cindy
What an amazing giveaway! I'm a happy follower and enjoy your blog! And I think at this point in our blogging we all know that we can't write on every post...but we visit our friends when we can! And that makes it fun...no pressure! Hugs! ♥
Debbie from Debbiedoos blogging said to make the caption of your post catchy...get readers attention! ♥
I follow Burlap and Blue! ♥
Beautiful images, and wise words. I think each of us feels much the same way. Blogging is an incredible experience, but it often takes up so much of our real time that we can't always keep up.
I am indeed a follower, from A Doctor in the House. ;-)
~ Sarah
I follow Paper Patorale! ♥
I follow Raggy Girl vintage! Thanks! ♥
I follow til death do us part! ♥
I follow Bella rosa, too! Thanks for the FUN! I'm off to visit with these ladies! ♥
Oh I know what you mean about visiting people, I feel the same way...overwhelmed. I make sure to visit people who usually leave me comments and then I just visit other people at random when time allows.
I'm your newest follower :)
Hello Tammy, I found my way to you through Pearl. Love your pretty blog and I'd love to join in your drawing. I have joined as a follower. Congrats on you anniversary for blogging.
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Hi Tammy! Congrats to you friend..that is a wonderful milestone in blogging. I follow your blog and would love a chance to win. I so understand the visiting and time constraints. I truly hope all my friends understand when I can't visit as often as I used to...I want to though and it kills me sometimes. I can't even keep up with general emails. Best blogging tip..stay true to who you are..never mind what everyone else is doing. That is my own advise and I do follow it.
I went to visit the blogs and became a follower of all of them. They are all wonderful and offer such beautiful items.
Congrats! Tammy! I couldn't agree with you more ... I try as best I can to keep up with everyone but time is of the essence sometimes.
Lovely giveaway.
I am a follower.
Happy pink April ~
GIVEAWAY ends 4/5
Oh, I do follow Bella Rosa also.
Happy pink April ~
GIVEAWAY ends 4/5
Hi Tammy
What a cool giveaway, I just saw all them and they are fabulous. So pls consider this one entry because I follow you :)
I'll have to come back to do the rest
Have a wonderful Sunday!!
Manni :)
Oh my gosh...your blog is beautiful. Please add my name for an entry as I am your newest follower. I have added your giveaway link to my blog and I will definitly be visiting the other blogs on the list.
Have a fantastic week
Oh I forgot....as I am only very new to blogging...my tip is...always visit those people who have left you a comment and who were kind enough to follow your blog. I feel very priveledged and humbled that people have chosen to follow me.
Yes I am a follower. I do know what you mean about getting around to all the blogs. I look at it like so many great blogs...so little time! I do what you do. :-) What a wonderful giveaway and congrats on such a delightful blog.
I am a follower on GFC. GREAT giveaway! Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I follow Burlap and Blue. Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I follow Cards by Carla. Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I follow Cotton Breeze. Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I follow Bella Rosa Antiques. Deb chedeb5353@hotmail.com
I'm a follower!
Best blogging tip: Remember, it's for FUN. Don't let your number of followers or your bad lighting on picture day make you forget that!
I love following you! I am having my first giveaway...come see. Can;t wait to explore your giveaway sponsors.
Tammy, I do good to blog once a week, and I'm retired. :) I blog for fun and personal enjoyment, which is why I don't let it consume me. I vist my favorites whenever I can and, like old friends, we pick up where we left off. If blogging ever becomes a burden, I will wave goodbye. The way I see it, blogging is not one of those "important" things in life. Fun, but not important, in the grand scheme of things.
I am a follower!! Thank you very much! :o)
I am a new blogger so I guess my tip is take all the help you can and run with it! Don't be afraid or upset by a little constructive criticism.....there are so many bloggers out there that truely want to see you succeed!
What a great group of sponsors!! I went window shopping in all their shops and am following every blessed one of them...thank you!
I am a follower :)
Hi Tammy! Of course I am a follower and the best advice I have been given is to just go with it and have fun >Do not worry abt how many followers you have or what your ranking is. Just do it cause it is fun.
Reason I am stopping by is to make sure y'all faired the storms well?? I talked to mom today and she told me how they are thinking a tornado came thru in the middle of the night last night. It is not official but that is what everybody is thinking. Lots of damage by her house. Just wanted to check in and make sure nothing came your way!
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the comment awhile back and for following along, I so appreciate the kind words! I will follow you as well!
Happy Spring!
Oh and one more thing....all these photos are STUNNING, WOW!!! I love all the beautiful photos on your blog and your header is SO pretty! :)
Great giveaway! I am a very happy follower!
Just posted you giveaway on my sidebar!
Congratulations B! I know it's so hard to return comments when you get so many. It seems like it would be something quick to do but it can take forever!
I would love to enter your giveaway, it's amazing. I am a follower!
I think the best blogging tip is one I learned pretty much on my own although I have read other bloggers feel the same way. It's pretty much the whole "blogging without guilt" idea. Our lives can get pretty busy so just do what you can, when you can and try not to stress about what doesn't get done. I think our "real" lives are more important than returning a comment at the speed of light!
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar. now I am off to visit the blogs on your list. Please come by when you get a chance and join my giveaway. Follow the All That Jazz Vintage link to sign up!
it is soooo hard to visit everyone, sometimes I feel bad, but there just isn' t enough time to do it all, makes me feel better when I read, like yours that it is hard for others as well!!!!
and of course I am a follower!!!!
Congratulations on 600+ followers! Awesome giveaway and so thoughtful of you.
Congratulations on 600 followers!!! What a fabulous giveaway.
I am a follower of Beatrice Banks. Thanks for the chance to win.
The best tip is "write about what you know"
I am a follower of Burlap and Blue
I am a follower of Paper Pastorale
I am a follower of Raggy Girl Vintage
I am a follower of Til Death Do Us Part
I am a follower of Bella Rosa Antiques
I am a BB follower! What a wonderful giveaway! I am really excited
What a lovely blog. I'm now a follower!
those are just lovely!!!!!!!!!
so simple and yet ...
so pretty!
take care,
I am a follower and love your blog! Beautiful Inspiration!
Tammy, I follow you. I agree, it isn't always easy to stay up to date with blogging, but the interest is always there ...
What a fabulous giveaway. TY
Have a sweet PS weekend ~
FUN GIVEAWAY ends 4/10
I follow your blog & I adore it!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Just posted your giveaway button on my sidebar!
What a generous give-away! I'm a follower. :)
The best blogging advice I heard is: comment, comment, comment! People don't know you've read the post unless you comment, and lots of times they pay you a return visit!
The best blogging advice I heard was Be Positive!!
I am a follower of your blog!!
Congratulations on over 600 folowers. I love blogging and visiting blogs but have had to slow down on visiting a commenting also. Your giveaway is amazing and I will be posting your button on my sidebar.
I just added your giveaway button to my sidebar and I think I forgot to mention that I am a follower of your blog.
What an awesome giveaway! I am a follower!
Hi Tammy!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway.
I'm a follower.
Blog tip: Step outside your comfort zone because that is when new creativity begins to flow.
I posted your giveaway button on my sidebar.
Following Burlap and Blue! ;-)
Following Paper Pastoral!
I am a follower of Beatrice Banks! What a great giveaway!
I am a follower :)
I guess my blogging tip would be to try not to stress about the numbers. Concentrate on those that come back time and again because they truly like to :)
I am a follower. Best tip I got was to be myself. I like Anita's tip above too.
You are wonderful and I look forward to you blog. thanks. Going to stroll around the shops above.
I am a new follower and found you thru Coastal Charm. I have had my blog since last July and for me the best advice is to join linky parties and comment on as many post as I can a day. I am already a follower of a couple of those sites and am on my way to visit the ones I have not seen before. ~~Sherry~~
Hi Tammy.....I am a follower and I will put the giveaway button on my blog....
I don't know that I have any sage advice on blogging except that personally, I am attracted first to a pretty layout and banner....that is the hook that draws me in. Then, of course, the pictures have to be enticing and the writing inspiring or entertaining.
I try to join in as many blog parties as I can, time wise, to meet new people.
Please enter me in this marvelous giveaway! Jil
I am a follower of Beatrice Banks~Kim
Best Blog Tip~Be myself, be true to myself and network make friends~Cheers Kim
I'm a happy follower of BB!
I have to agree with you. I may not like it but you have to find a balance with commenting. I'd love to visit and comment with everyone but it just isn't possible. I love what you said about a lack of commenting doesn't indicate a lack of intrest. Very true!
What a great giveaway! I enjoy following your blog and seeing your inspirational photos and posts, thank you for taking the time to do so!
I do not blog anymore, maybe one day when my life slows downs a bit, but the one thing that I always kept in the back of my mind was to be sincere with posting and commenting.
You are one of my creative inspirations as I grow my business. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and great written voice.
The best blogging tip I received is actually from one of my college students - be yourself as you write. You can't consistantly pretend to be someone else.
I'm a follower! Congrats on 600+ followers! Love your blog :)
I'm one of your followers.
I am a follower!
I have learned that positive comments to others and networking will really boost your blog. Also, they will make you lots of fun new friends!
I am a follower of Burlap and Blue!
I am a follower of Bella Rosa!
I follow til death do us part!
I am a new follower of Raggy Girl Vintage! Her blog is cute!
I am a new follower of Paper Pastorale!
I'm a follower! And I too am finding it difficult to keep up. Blogging if fun and rewarding, but it is also a ton of work. My new year's resolution was to find balance. I'm still working on that!
I am a new follower also. I say post and visit others and remember be true to who you are and what you love.
treasures said...
I am a follower of Burlap and Blue.
~ Julie
treasures said...
I've been a follower of Raggy Girl Vintage. Love her blog and shop!
What a wonderful giveaway, Tammy! I am already your happy follower. I appreciate you coming by to visit me today!
My best blogging tip would be to "be sociable" and don't just visit, leave a comment so that the blogger knows you've been there and can discover you in turn.
I'm posting your giveaway on my sidebar!
Hi I am a new follower and would like to enter the contest
thank you for the beautiful bike photos love them all I want a bike now !
I also am posting your give away on my side bar at my blog
I post your pretty link button on my side bar also
KAT (Hi Anne!) Im still feeling down but trying to push past it! got your tags yester day alon with my bad news and rejection. Life is full of ups and downs!
I just joined and now follow "Till Death do us Part"
Best blog advise or I guess idea I stumbled upon....On Anne's blog at "Bird/Like" I joined in on the Pay it Forward Party 2011. I'm trying to give 5 Bloggers that join me and follow my blog a turtle box in my handmade rustic style I'm a little bit folk-sy
I am a long time follower of your blog ! This is a fabulous giveaway ! As a fairly new blogger the only advice comes to mind is simply "be honest ",be who YOU are ...In this ocean of wonderful influences it is difficult sometimes!
Be happy !
I am a happy follower of yours! The best advice I have been given is to know that there is more to life then blogging and to give yourself a break when you cannot post or get to all those lovely comments. People understand-
ooops ! Think my previous comment should have been 2 comments as I am a follower and gave advice
I have your sweet giveaway button on my blog
Looking around your blog and there are so many great things! Glad to have found you!
Hi Beatrice! It's nice to meet you! I just became a follower. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
The best advice I can give is what I've learned to do - keep blogging fun, so it doesn't become one more "have-to" in your life. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
The button for your wonderful giveaway is on my sidebar!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
I'm now a follower of Burlap and Blue and have visited each of her sponsors. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Visited Paper Pastorale and became a follower.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Just visited Raggey Girl Vintage and became a follower.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Visited Kelly at Til Death Do Us Part and became a follower.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Just visited Jillian at Bella Rosa Antiques and became a follower. That's all eight bases covered for the wonderful giveaway! ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Hello Tammy, I'm a follower of your blog.
Tammy, I posted a link to your giveaway on my
Tammy, I posted about your giveaway on my blog.
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