I love to find new blogs and see the creativity of talented people. If you haven't already discovered Happyroost Interiors, hop on over and meet the lovely Laura. She's an interior designer who is restoring her very own 1923 Sears Kit home.
Isn't it beautiful?
What caught my eye recently is her bathroom remodel.
Now I know you've seen the penny floors if you stalk Pinterest. They intrigue me.
This is Laura's. The best part is she has promised a tutorial for it!
Check it out next week at Happyroost Interiors!
767th Inspire Me Tuesday
19 hours ago
Amazing floor..I have got to go see, thanks for sharing. :D
OMG!! This is awesome! I could never talk hubby into it, but I love it. Her home is so cute on the outside, too!
Love this bathroom!
Isn't it crazy that a money floor would be cheaper than a tile floor??? blows me away. I was stunned when I saw it. I kept thinking..she must be talking about penny sized tile and then...they were actual pennies! It looks fantastic...really amazing. I just love it. I also think the sink is the coolest sink ever. Wow...what a really different bathroom...I truly have not seen anything like it before. Thank you for sharing this!
I have NOT seen the penny floors!! How amazing is that for an idea? Wow!
how refreshing! I wonder how you clean that floor? It's probably sealed in some way!
Penny floors are new to me. What a fun idea!
This is something I NEVER would have thought of. It's perfect for that Craftsman Bungalow. In one of my magazines (not sure which one) there was just an article on Sears homes. So incredible that you could build a house from start to finish for around $20 grand. Going to check out that blog right now. Happy Sunday!
This is so cool! I love her sink & countertop solution for a tiny space. What a gorgeous room.
Thanks for the tip...off to check out her site. Happy Sunday.
How cool is that? Thanks for introducing us to her blog... going to check it out now :)
Goodness, I've *never* seen a penny floor! Beautiful! Thanks for the introduction to a great new blog!
Thank you everyone for the kind response! I will be talking about the penny floor on Wednesday and the counter top on Thursday of this week. Be sure to check it out!
Thanks for Tammy for adding this to your wonderful blog!
O.K. I have been under a rock, I have not seen these floors. I am off to check out her blog! Thanks for sharing! BTW, the pics of your daughter are darling!
I didn't know people made floors out of pennies. That is really neat. I haven't seen such unique floors in years.
-Zane of ontario honey
Awesome creation!!!
I had already bookmarked this blog to my favorites..
Granite Counter Tops Chandler
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