This is what you do when you're asked to decorate a banquet in 3 short days.
Raid your home decor stash.
This was the same day as our match day. Talking about a wild and crazy day! Our church hosted a dinner/meeting for ministers and at the last minute decided to move it from a smaller dining area to the gym due to number of guests. Besides being a gym, the facilities are not yet complete so it was a challenge.
The roses, ribbon and vases were the only purchases. We managed to decorate for around $100.
I decided to go with a gentleman's theme and keep it warm for winter. The most laborious part was washing, rinsing and peeling labels off 40+ vegetable cans. We worked with the caterers to use small cans of green beans so we could use them as candle holders.
We also made a hot cocoa bar, a big hit on this cold rainy night!
Sorry I don't remember who gave this idea of wrapping the cans of whipped cream in pretty paper but it is a great idea to fancy it up!
Who can have hot cocoa without a cookie?
The plates were held in a treasure chest type box while a croc tray held napkins and a vintage trophy filled with clear flatware.
The best part for me was a dessert that I didn't make.
Banana pudding. It was delicious. The cook told me the super easy recipe is from Southern Living and has sour cream in it. I haven't located it yet.
Thanks for all the well wishes on our news and upcoming move in May. I really appreciate it.
Please take time to visit this blog, Quilt Confessions, and read Danielle's story. She could use lots of prayers.
I'd also like to thank Nita from Mod Vintage Life and Kim from Savvy Southern Style for featuring my dining room! Thanks so much ladies!!
Now on to the big task of getting my house ready to sell. I may be scarce the rest of the week.
Have a great weekend!
Posting to
Table Top Tuesdays A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday Savvy Southern Style
Treasure Hunt Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours
767th Inspire Me Tuesday
1 day ago
Smart lady...cost free and classy! Looks great. :D
I love this idea of masculine style decorating for the banquet. You did a super job. The banana pudding sounds yummy. Have a great week! Pamela
I love all the details here. The cocoa bar looks heavenly! You and the ladies did a fantastic job!
Beautiful table decor...really love that idea of covering up the cans...thanks for sharing it. I'm in our decorating group for our church and always like getting new ideas for us to use. I have never made banana pudding with sour cream...maybe I should look for this recipe too.
Your details are charming and how clever to pull this together so quickly. Good luck with the sale of your house. I know you are eager to get things ready for the move in May. ~ Sarah
Love the theme of this setting since you know I love equestrian stuff.
That is amazing--the decorations for the dinner for the men! Great ideas. Love that covered whip cream container! And the tin can votives is just my style. Thanks for showing us some good ideas! Trusting that your house sells soon--or just in the right time!
Looks great!! Great ideas had here!
Hi.. Loved it all very much.. The cocoa bar is such a wonderful idea for our Keepers of the Home fundraiser... If you don't mind.. smile..
God bless..
tammy, you have to find that pudding recipe. MMM. you did a great job. i'm so happy you took the time to de-label the cans because I think they are awesome.
Oh the hunt theme is my all time favorite. I have totally drooled over ever picture. Thanks so much for sharing and joining TTT. Every picture is fabulous eye candy. Hugs, Marty
I love it.
What great ideas you all came up with! Moving again. Oh my. Makes me tired just thinking about it. Where to this time?
Great job! You really have some nice pieces and you can't beat the price!
I love your attention to detail. Thank you so much for sharing your special place for us all to enjoy. My very first visit here I will follow on my way out so I know my path back here. Perhaps you will find the time to come visit me soon and do the same. I look forward to engaging more throughout the year and beyond. Take care. Cheers SpecialK XoXo
your tablescapes look beautiful! G'luck with prepping to sell. I went through that last year at this time (moving in May as well). I hope for a quick sale for you!
Love how you pulled something so special together so beautifully!!The theme and cocoa stand are perfect!
Art by Karena
Such wonderful ideals, and everything looks great!
Hugs~~ Daphne
Great theme and good thinking to keep the men happy. I don't know who would want hot cocoa with out a cookie.
That is just gorgeous, sometimes the best ideas at last minute ones. the hot chocolate bar is wonderful!
I proclaim this a most elegant soiree indeed!
Congratulations on your match! I know that can be so stressful and Jackson Mississippi looks incredible! Love all the decor for the party!
Holy Smokes girl those are awesome decorations. Ok stresses over this way on the West Coast as you get ready to put your place up for sale. Busy, for sure.
Yes, if you find a nice sourth Gentleman who loves God to the hills and back right there in Good Ole' Miss for me, I might have to come by for a visit. I hate, truly hate being widowed.
God bless, Viola
You did a marvelous job on those tables. I love that you used really pretty things and then tin cans, very clever! The mix certainly worked, though . I wish I had you here to help me occasionally when I need ideas! I love to see something put together in a beautiful way and you certainly accomplished that.
Love and hugs, Cindy
You got me right away with the equestrian helmet, as I love to ride horses. :)
All the draped fabric, too, is very appealing - not the typical colorful stuff. I like it.
Lots of good and crafty ideas there.
You're moving! I missed that post. Gotta backtrack.
Oooh, that cocoa bar looks like the place I'd want to go to first!
This all turned out great...what a big job. Your photos are spectacular too. Your cocoa bar is beautiful. Happy Sunday Tammy!
Tammy, I'd wondered if you'd taken pics of that "thrown together" banquet decor. Can't imagine how you managed to do that on match day ... or time to post it now! Good luck with staging your house and prepping for the big move.
Banana pudding looks wonderful, one of my favorites! Thanks for visiting my blog. You did a great job at pulling this together!
Have a great weekend!
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