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I was so excited about these doors until...
we found out our door is an odd size. It must be special ordered and will take weeks/months be delivered and installed. We really hope to sell the house before then. So, we'll just give an allowance to the buyer to replace what's there now.
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The real estate market has changed so much. I'm sure that's not breaking news to anyone but, it's become our reality. The realtors are telling us, "Don't waste your money upgrading any more than you already have. You will not get a good return."
Design Chic is an awesome blog by a mother/daughter team, Beth and Kristi. They always post the best decor photos. It's like a candy shop to me. I am honored to be tagged by them for a fun game.
I normally don't participate in tags but this one came at a good time and it was fun. Here's answers to 11 questions.
1. If you were given the choice between a million dollars and maintaining your dream weight for the rest of your life what would you choose?
At this point in my life, I think it would be easier to achieve the million dollars so I'll take the dream weight.
2. What is the best lesson you learned from your parents?
The importance of family. My dad had a stroke at age 43 which left him paralyzed. It forever changed our lives. I learned how valuable it was to stick together as a family during hard times. My parents led us by example with their faith in God. I am where I am because of the prayers and support of my parents.
3. Where would your dream vacation home be?
I'd want a beach home within driving distance of wherever I lived. The closer the better because it would mean the more time we could spend there. It's a dream that I hope comes true some day!
4. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be?
Teal blue
5. What is your all-time favorite movie?
May sound sappy, but Gone With the Wind 6. If you could choose an animal from any movie to be your pet what would you choose? (i.e. Babe, the monkey from The Hangover...)
Now that we've established my sappiness, Lassie. When I was little I'd cry every time I watched an episode.
7. Up to this point, what has been the best day of your life?
The day I was baptized and filled with His Spirit.
8. If you could date any famous person (assuming you were unattached, of course!) who would it be?
I would not want to date a famous person. I value my privacy too much. But if I could hang out with a famous guy for a day, it'd probably be Ralph Lauren, just to get inside of his head and watch him design.
9. If you could take a one year sabbatical and go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Paris, of course.
10. If you were given a million dollars to donate to your favorite charity/cause, what would you choose?
The Susan Cohan Cancer Foundation. My father in law died a few years ago from colon cancer. Another life altering moment in our lives.
11. If you could go backstage to meet any musician, dead or alive, who would it be?
Maybe Elvis. I'd just like to hear him sing in person. I was very young when he died but his songs still ring in my head and take me back to the happy days of childhood.
The next part of this game is for me to tag 11 people with 11 questions. Please don't feel obligated and if there's anyone who wants to join in, please do!
1.Oakview Cottage
2. Podso
3. Ms. Smartie Pants
4. On Sutton Place
5. Hyacinths for the Soul
6. Blondie's Journals
7. Tattered Hydrangeas
8. A Collection of This and That
9. Sunny Simple Side
10. Love and Life at Leodora
11. Random Thoughts
1. Who was your hero growing up?
2. What are 3 things you can't live without?
3. Barefoot in the sand or a pretty pair of high heels?
4. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
5. If you had to move to a state other than the one you live in, where would you move?
6. When thinking about colors of the rainbow, which color are you?
7. If you could do anything, or wish for anything that would come true, what would it be?
8. If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go?
9. Are you usually late, early or right on time?
10. Are you old fashioned?
11. You've been given the choice of a vacation or a shopping spree. Which would you choose?
Hi Beatrice,
I love the carriage style garage doors too! they are beautiful.
Real Estate has gone down considerably in my area also, sad but true.
I really enjoyed learning more about you. I would have answered the same as you on a few of the questions.
Have a sweet day, Elizabeth
We have carriage doors with windows and LOVE them! It adds more light into the garage. It's too bad that you have a custom order only size, but your house looks beautiful as is, so I'm sure it won't scare off any buyers. We are very lucky in Canada, as our real estate market has not suffered as it has in the US. Prices did go down a bit, but houses still sell easily and there aren't the bank repo's as I hear about down south.
I love the carriage doors and tried to convince my husband to that but to no avail.. smile..
T liked reading your answers.. Very interesting about people..
Tammy, I love carriage style garage doors! They instantly add so much character to a home.
Thanks so much for the Q & A....learning a little bit more about ya!
Yes, the real estate market has changed a lot...but with your awesome decorating I KNOW it will sell!!!!! Best of luck as you continue in your hopes for a buyer.
It was fun to get to know you a little better! I am a Gone With The Wind girl too! With lots of popcorn of course~
Well, I'm sorry about the doors but there's a reason. Probably 'cause you're going to sell soon! :-) Real estate has declined in most areas I think, some more than others. It's a buyer's market around here ~ sad for those that are trying to sell.
I loved your answers and learning more about you! I answered them as I read yours. LOL
oh those garage doors! i'm thoroughly smitten!
smiles to you.
You have a lovely home and a lovely garage. Well done, you did a wonderful job!
philippines properties for sale
Dear Tammy,
Best wishes on a quick sale!
Hi, Tammy! Loved reading your answers. And those carriage doors are so charming! I just mentioned to my husband how much I'd like some.
The carriage style garage doors are nice, but how about the driveway that goes with it. Wow!
I always like reading the answers of, are they memes? Yours reflect the caring and sentimental person you are. :)
I would completely agree with your
realtors on the real estate market. Most people will change everything to suit themselfs anyway.
You can save money on energy costs by installing insulated rollup doors. These can keep cold air in and hot air out during the hot months, and vice versa during the winter months. Another way to save money is by reducing the number of safety hazards for workers.
Rolling Gates NYC
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