Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Just for laughs.
In the clip above, it is said that the bride and groom were wearing microphones so that is why the laughter is loud and clear. This may not even be funny to you but I got a chuckle out of it.
Holding back laughter is so hard when you know it's not the appropriate time or place. For me, part of the humor in those situations is knowing I shouldn't be laughing.
I once attended a graduation held in a gymnasium with seating in the bleachers. We sat fairly close to the top. A lady behind us apparnetly had to make an exit about midway through the ceremony. It was so quiet and her high heels clanked on every step. If that wasn't bad enough, about half way down, her slip fell down. She then become entangled with it and wrestled it all the way down. The harder she tried to pull it up, the more it wrapped around her legs, then her high heels. Thankfully, she did not fall but by the time she reached the floor, her only choice was to step out of it. So there in front of thousands, she quickly stepped out of her slip and carried it in her hands. Needless to say, she did not come back. No one was laughing. But I could not stop myself. I knew her family was probably sitting right behind me. You get the picture. The harder I tried to stifle it, the more strange noises escaped from my lips. It took a lot to regain my composure.
Have you ever been in one of those situations? I'd love to hear about it.
I could use some laughter today. How about you?
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. (Proverbs 17:22)
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That was hilarious! :) This always happens to me! The worst time is in church, too! It's always a quiet moment where I end up having to just walk out in order to regain control! lol...
This was funny! That poor priest just didn't know what to think and I know he just wanted to get on with the ceremony. The best man's saving grace when his pants fell down is that he wasn't wearing speedos!
I know how it is not to be able to stop laughing so hard that tears run down my face! It's so embarrassing and everyone just looks at you wondering why you cannot stop! Thanks for my daily laff! ~ Sue
Oh, I have had that kind of laughter hit me while at the piano at church....not good.
Oh my gosh! I laughed out loud! It is good they were able to laugh about it!!
Thank goodness the best man was wearing boxers!
It could have been waaaaay worse!
Lou Cinda
Oh that would have been me. Not the pants falling down part but the uncontrollable laughter! Once I start it's hard to stop. I totally would have lost it with the lady in the stadium. One time my sisters and I had fit of laughter like that and we all tried running to the bathroom, well because are bladders aren't like the used to be. I had thought her laundryroom was the bathroom so I ran the wrong way which made everyone laugh more.
I love your description of the lady at the graduation. I would have been like you. I don't see how you could keep from laughing.. I once had my hose roll down like that but at least I got to a restroom before they fell.
The wedding video is too much. I am so glad I wasn't a guest. I would have been rolling down the aisle.
I am your newest follower. Hugs, Ginger
Thanks for the laugh. I just could not stop. Can't wait to show it to my husband.
Talk about having the church giggles! I have laughed and laughed! This would so be me, I sometimes don't have the ability to stop giggling when something happens! Especially at church!
That was so funny! I have been in that situation too...the best kind and most remembered sort of laughter! :D
This is too funny. I really had a good laugh. I sometimes start to giggle and can't stop...over something that really isn't that funny. The more I try to stop, the harder it is!
OH, I just realized you got married at the Forsythe Park fountain in Savannah, It gorgeous. Did you know it is a replica of one in Paris?
Hello sweet B,
That was wonderful, thank you!!! I love to laugh and sometimes it can be embarrassing. The only one that I can think of is this. When my youngest brother and I were in our twenties we lived close and went to the same church where he assisted and my dad pastor-ed. We were singing a song together, "I Go To the Rock" and chorus reads, "I run to the mountains and the mountains stand by me." Well, the first time through I sang "I run to the mountains and the mountains run by me." We stopped and broke into laughter, after we regained composure we began the chorus again and if I didn't sing it the exact same way again! We were finished by that time, we were laughing and so was everybody else in the place!!! Thankfully my mom and dad thought it was funny, too. I'm surprised we were able to go on with the service after that.
Laughter truly is good medicine.
Big hugs to you, my friend,
That is so funny. The more you try to stifle the laughter the more your shoulders start to tremble. Thanks for the chuckle.
I've tried to stifle laughter so many times. I'm always in trouble for it! And it's always worse when I'm with my bff, because we can look across the room and know what the other is thinking which multiplies the humour. Our husbands used to have to separate us in church!!
And one time... I got up in church to exit to the washroom and just about made it to the door when MY slip fell off. Right in front of the usher. He pretended not to see. I simply stepped out of it, as discreetly as possible, wadded it up in my hand and threw it in the garbage! Most embarrassing moment ever! But funny... lol
I giggled all the way through it, I actually have tears running from my eyes. I am catholic and I cannot tell you the many times I have gotten the giggles, during mass. thank you that was fun!
That was so funny. Google reader ate my blog list so I just found out how to recover my followers.
Oh, wow, no one is going to forget this wedding! I agree, when you aren't supposed to laugh you just can't stop, all you have to do is think of it again and you are out of control again!
That certainly is a ceremony that they and their guests will never forget, ha!
Thanks for a good giggle for the day. If that had been at MY wedding though...I'd have killed him!
Very funny! I think it added even more joy to the occasion.
And I can relate to your laughing fit. What you described would have had my body bobbing away, trying to stifle the laughter. It seems to hit me when I'm exhausted.
done it many times - once at a funeral. a man was singing the most horrible song...did i say singing? he was screeching! people acted like they were enjoying it, but a friend did a slow turn of the head and gave me *a look*...i may have looked like i lost it with tears running down my face and shoulders silently shaking (tho' really from internal giggles), but i left with my purse up next to my face acting like i was coughing. my friend got warned to never look at me again -- at least at a funeral -- or wedding -- or...
That was hilarious. Thanks for the giggle this morning.
Hysterical! I am still laughing. I have to show it to my son.
Mary Ann
That is the funniest thing! I laughed and laughed. Every wedding has a surprise, but this one takes the cake!!!
treasures said...
This was so funny. So great to see a groom laugh out loud.
~ Julie
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