Are you going trick or treating tonight or staying home to pass out candy?
This is one of my favorite treats to give friends and neighbors. 2 cups of peanuts and 2 cups of candy corn mixed. So easy!
I have fond memories of trick or treating as a child. I think we had bags just like those in the above picture. Remember when- we were not afraid to go trick or treating just about anywhere? the scariest costume we had was a white sheet with 2 eye holes? plastic masks which hurt if the string was too tight? barely being able to breathe through all that plastic? sticking out your tongue through the plastic hole? (ouch, sometimes sharp edges) people giving away unwrapped things like carmel apples or popcorn balls? the end of safe trick or treating when hearing of a razor blade in an apple?
Our neighborhood is rated in the top 10 safest in our city but of course, we still check all the candy before eating it. Expecting tons of trick or treaters. I've already spent $30 on candy and am thinking I need to buy more.
Update- Good news is our computer savvy friend retrieved all of our photos from our crashed computer! Hopefully we'll never have that scare again. Mrs. T and I didn't complete decorating her house. Several of her fabrics did not arrive. Will post pictures when it all comes together.
When the boys get home from school today we will carve out a jack-o-lantern to light up the porch for our little guests. I always enjoy seeing all the cute costumes. At the end of the night I will go through my boys' bags and take out all the chocolate. Lucky me! They don't like chocolate.
Fall back plans. Always nice to have them. Unfortunately, we did not have one with our computer. We just bought a new hard drive. It was sitting in the box next to our old one.
The doc ordered some study books for his boards and has been anxiously awaiting their arrival. He received an email from "Fed Ex" saying we tried to deliver your package, please respond.
He has never opened a virus. In fact, he is always cleaning up the messes my son and I make. But in one click of the mouse, poof. Our whole computer was wiped out. I had some very important photos on there which I hadn't backed up yet. It made me want to cry.
Thankfully, we have a computer whiz friend who is coming over to try to retrieve things. In the grand scheme of life, I couldn't stay upset for long. These things happen. Lesson learned. Always back up your files. It made me think how there are no back up plans for some things. Like losing those you love. In the past few weeks, several of our friends have lost spouses and loved ones. Gone.
I'm hitting the road. Going to help Mrs. T with her house again. We are secretly planning our decor execution plans while the Mr. is at work. hehe (They both read this blog so just had to say that.)
Last week I went to help friends decorate their new house. They knew from the start they wanted color and lots of it. She loves red. He loves blue. Marrying his shade of blue with her shade of red was a little more challenging than I anticipated. He likes a medium blue and wants it to be very visible in the room. We were able to find a nice shade which will blend well with the blue-gray family that is so popular and abundant right now. Mrs. T spotted this rug at Tuesday Morning's. Love at first sight. After that, everything else fell in place.
He likes bold and she likes toned down. We spent a full day just choosing fabrics. Here's a sneak peek of fabric choices. I think it's going to be beautiful.
Mrs. T and I had some girl time- shopped til we dropped. It was a fun! She's going to try her hand at painting this buffet and maybe one or two other pieces.
I left her with a full page "to do" list. We'll get back together in a week or two to put everything together. I will be anxious to show you the reveal. These are some of our inspiration photos. She is thinking of doing red wicker chairs in breakfast room but is undecided. I say yes. Love them.
I have a notion..... that I can't sew. These past few days have been frustrating as I've tried to make curtains, for those of you who correctly guessed what the fabric was for. Sewing tape and hot glue ain't cuttin' it! A friend is coming over to rescue me tonight. Truth is, I don't even own a sewing machine. Jealous of all of you talented seamstresses out there. I have the vision but not the know how.
These spools of thread belonged to a sweet little lady who is 80+ years old . Some of these were her mother in law's. Very vintage.
Wooden spools.
Look at the prices, marked 15 and 29 cents.
I have a jar of vintage white thread spools. Seems they didn't have a lot of colors back then. Love these primary colors.
Surprise of all surprises, my sweet cousin Angi (Southwest Cottage Designs) sent me a gift. One that I was not expecting. This quilt!
Wowsa! It felt like Christmas. Angi and I both have fond memories of our grandmother sewing quilts. Seems she was always working on a quilt.
The colors are so bright and cheery, just the kind of fabric Grandmother Beatrice would have used. I remember her gathering fabric scraps from every possible place. She had a story about the origination of each little remnant.
Angi is like a sister I never had. We talk every week. She's on the west coast and I'm on the east. Yet the fabrics of our lives remain woven together through stitches of love.
I am headed out this week to help a friend, who reads this blog, (love you Tracy!) She isn't asking me to do any sewing thankfully, but we are going to pick out fabrics, paint and decor for her new house! I'll catch up with you in a few days!